If you have a good system that works for you- great! more often than not, it takes some experimentation to get it worked out. I have a good and simple system now and with time being a luxury for me, it has made life a bit easier!
you are wise to overhaul your diet first and foremost, too many people think only about "topical" solutions. beauty comes form the inside first. the best I have ever looked and felt was when I was juicing and doing green smoothies. the next step is to cut all the commercially made soaps...
I recently read an article on shampoos and why you should quit them, basically what they do is load your hair and scalp with nasty chemicals that only create problems down the road. the woman that wrote it, took the "no poo" challenge, and she took before and after pic- huge difference! her...
ok, so here's the problem with "todays" beauty products: even the old brands like Lux,
Cashmeare and other "old" brands have changed their formulas, and most if not all have very udesirable ingredients in them now. I have dry skin and use to have big problems with commercially made soaps...
You ladies have it going on! Ive been scouring the internet for sources for clothes, patterns, tutorials, and the like and Ive found a few, but I was wondering if anyone had the fore sight to pull all this information together for easier access?
"Hey, you remind me of a man."
- "What man?"
- "A man with the power."
- "What power?"
- "The power of who-do."
- "Who-do?"
- "You do."
- "Do what?"
- "You remind me of a man."
- "What man?"
- "A man with the power."
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947)
"You see, Hopsie, you don't know very much about girls! The best ones aren't as good as you probably think they are, and the bad ones aren't as bad, not nearly as bad."
The Lady Eve (1941)
oh thought of another one- this really is a great little movie.
Nicole: "He meant I was dishonest"
Gloria: Darling all women are dishonest- your lipstick is dishonest, plucking your eyebrows is dishonest, the rouge on your cheeks is dishonest, and a fat woman in a girdle? thats highway...
Ive always felt out of place in this time, and consequently I was always drawn to the 30's and 40's B&W films, big band music, the fat fender cars, and the fashion was magnificent. Even poor people had better manners then than many celebrities do today. What passes for entertainment now is...
Good heavens..you all know what would happen dont you? The town would be inundated with people wanting to move there! then what? you know it will begin to degrade if that happens- are you prepared to have population limits?
Im with you Fibber, I was feeling at odds too, since everywhere you look nowadays you are inundated with media prodding you to buy cheap foreign garbage buy the latest overpriced vehicles, watch idiotic "reality" TV, which, isnt real at all, eat toxic fast food, and a myriad of other less than...
Good Morning All,
Just a quick note to introduce myself, I recently became smitten with the "era" since Im not really liking the era we are currently living in. My name is Jane and I live in central Louisiana. Im currently looking for any other like mindeds in my area to start a group to host...
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