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I'd love some feedback on this...

Kentucky Blues

A-List Customer
Didn't read the whole thing due to a concentration problem..but I can say from what I know in my heart, that it's gonna be okay, French ;) I'd try not to worry.


I'll Lock Up
Don't worry- keep an open mind and remember- the news that you read has been written or filtered or propagandized by people with agendas- people trying to create hate and mass hysteria as a form of public control. Try also reading some European news and get a balanced point of view- stay ahead of the propagandist BS.
It's always good to find out how another side of the situation looks- or how other countries are thinking about you own domestic/international policy.
And remember, Islam is a religion- a kind, loving, benevolent one. It's just politicians using religion as a common thread and stirring up the crazies. Speaking of the Cruisades, who are the Cruisaders now?

Renderking Fisk

Practically Family
Front Desk at The Fedora Chronicles.
Excuse me for the shameless self-promotion.

No offense, BellyTank… but you have must have been kidding when you said: “Try also reading some European news and get a balanced point of view- stay ahead of the propagandist BS�. It’s mostly Anti-American, it’s all Anti-Bush, and they’re already revving up against Kerry if he’s elected President… gloating over the statements made by the French Prime Minister stating that he WOULD NOT send any aid or troops into Iraq if Hanoi John took the White House in November.

All the news is biased, all of it is propaganda, and none of it represents the people they say they’re trying to inform. I want to change that.

Where can folks like US go to get news, editorials and commentary that closely represents OUR views? CNN? FOXNews? Maybe. Not the New York Times, Boston Globes, Washington Post or most of the “Main Stream� newspapers in the United States. I could say The Wall Street Journal closely represents the traditionalists here on The Fedora Lounge and other forums, but those on the left complain that maybe the editorial page on The Journal is too conservative. There are no “Conservative� outlets that aren’t minimized by the left, and there are very few outlets where regular folks have a place to be heard.

Out of my frustration and with the encouragement of a few members here and on the other board, I started my own thing. Out side these forums we (and those with similar views) are virtually silent. I’ve proven that even here in the “Live Free Or Die� state of New Hampshire, it’s hard to have even a MODERATE Conservative point of view and get a letter to the editor in the newspapers. I want to change that in my own way and provide a venue for these folks to have a voice that can be heard in the outside world...

Where can folks like us get our voices heard with out being made fun of or marginalized by those who don’t agree with us in the media? Where else can we post our thought and ideas and have it read by the rest of the world with out having to log-in and join a forum? If you haven’t notices, there are more then a dozen GREAT (not just good) writers here on these forums, and I think the rest of the world should experience their work.

Maybe I’ve seen too many Frank Capra movies (“It’s a Wonderful Life�, “Meet John Doe�, “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington�…) but I actually believe that the good people here on The Fedora Lounge and elsewhere can change the world for the better. I actually think we can turn back the clock in the areas where we’ve gone too far –too fast- if we all worked together. All I ask is that if you have something to say, drop me a line and I’ll post it.

If we’re going to change the media, we have to start fresh and anew elsewhere.


I'll Lock Up
That WAS shameless self-promotion.
I can be even more bluntif you like-

In response to the original post-

I can clarify by saying -(especially to those sufering from "the fear brainwashing") for God's sake open your eyes and see what 's going on in the World- the real World-
not just your own back yard- see what the world thinks of America and then think again- there is a World context that we live within. And Arabs arent evil just because they're Arabs.
I'm in NO way anti-American just anti-insanity.

Renderking Fisk

Practically Family
Front Desk at The Fedora Chronicles.
It’s pretty funny that you said “for God's sake open your eyes and see what 's going on in the World- the real World…� When you didn’t read past the my first paragraph.

I asked you where are we supposed to go to get the news that closely resembles our point of view or doesn’t have a bias. Again - Where are we supposed to go to get the news that ISN’T biased? I’m not getting any news that isn’t presented in an unbiased format from NBC, See B.S, or ABC… the three major networks. I’m not seeing unbiased news reporting from The New York Times (Remember Jayson Blair… the reporter that was making stuff up?) or any of the other “Main Stream� media. I’m certainly not hearing unbiased news reporting from NPR or The BBC or even the Christian Science Monitor...

I’m not seeing it or hearing it BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST anymore and I doubt that it ever did. The closest I can get is FOXNews, but you might complain that they don’t lean too far to the left enough.

You didn’t answer my question, instead you have to plea for those of us who are “Brainwashed� to open our eyes. I would gather that the only opinion that’s valid is the globalist view… you’re entitled to your opinion as long as you don’t support Dubya or believe he did the right thing based on the information he was given.

You’re anti-insanity? Wasn’t insanity for the U.N. to pass almost 20 resolutions against Saddam and nothing was done (besides the threat of more resolutions)? Is it insane that the people who were saying “Let the sanctions work� were the same people who are involved with the “Oil For Food� scandal? Isn’t it Insanity to try and rationalize with an irrational dictator like Saddam who WASN’T playing by the rules and were gathering resources to reactivate his weapons programs once the sanctions were lifted?

Folks in Europe (besides Great Britain) are getting the news about what’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan or “Oil For Food� scandal. Here in the United States, we’re not seeing ENOUGH of the good that’s going on there. Good news doesn’t buy air-time and increase newspaper circulation. Is there any wonder why many of us feel cynical and under-represented?


One of the Regulars
Mike, you may have also noted in your studies that every time an Islamic country has established an "Islamic State" the country very quickly falls back to the middle ages, suppressing outside influence, regulating modernization, ultimately reducing the country to poverty. Iran is now teetering on the edge and the younger generation recognizes it.

The world wide terror we are seeing associated with radical efforts to spread Islam, will too eventually cave in on itself. You will notice more and more terrorist attacts seem to show no regard for fellow Muslims that become collateral damage through these attacks. Sadly, it will still be some time before Muslim nations seriously crack down on extremists, particularly in the present anti-American / anti-Western climate.

History does tend to repeat itself....

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