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"Rush" hour


One of the Regulars
This whole silly mess with Rush Limbaugh resigning from ESPN just stinks. I can't believe Limbaugh would cave so easily. His comments were clearly not racist yet the media is short stroking this all over the place. If Limbaugh wasn't such a high profile conservative this wouldn't be getting half the coverage it has received. How lame. What ever happened to free speech? I guess speech is only free if what you have to say is in line with the ACLU and the Rainbow Coalition.

I'm really disappointed in Rush for quitting after such a little amount of pressure. I listen to talk radio on a regular basis and I do listen to Rush on occasion. He is not my favorite host and I don't agree with him on everything but I do enjoy his program. He just spit on all of his fans who listen to him talk on and on about Republicans and conservatives needing to be more aggressive and not back down though. For shame.

Now we get this whole "Limbaugh addicted to black market pain killers" story. I don't have all the facts on this story so I don't have an opinion on it. What I find funny about this though is that this story was "broke" by the National Enquirer. Since when do *cough* serious journalists and newspapers pay any attention to what the Enquirer reports on anything? Throw a conservative on the cover with a scandal and it's national news.

I'll say this though, if it is true then it's really sad. I'd be disappointed in Rush again and he should be charged if any laws were broken. The media will tear him apart no matter what though. They just love it when conservatives have weaknesses like they're not human or something. Give me a break. If this were a liberal ideologue then they would be calling for compassion and treatment. But with Limbaugh they smell blood in the water.



A-List Customer
Yup, he gave up too easily. Disney owns ESPN. They are just about the most liberal organization there is. I love how the ESPN spokesman left him hanging out to dry. No thanks for a great job. No explanations as to the resignation (or is it a firing?), no nothing. They totally distanced themselves from the issue. Who knows why he folded so easily? BUT ... he shouldn't have.

As to the drug story ...

Speaking as a member of the media, the story has legs. Still, it's too early to tell.:mad:

Renderking Fisk

Practically Family
Front Desk at The Fedora Chronicles.
We shouldn't wrap all of our hopes and dreams in one guy. It's not the man we follow just because he's outspoken or charismatic, its because we believe in the same ideals.

Whatever the reason or the cause... he was and is addicted to pills. He was in a real hurt-locker and now he's getting help. He didn't lie about it or hide behind some lame excuse about being a victim or he's got this disease. That?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s something to be proud of. I just wish I had the guts to lay out my troubles like he did.

[Hello, my name is Ren... and I'm an akubraholic.]


One of the Regulars
Originally posted by Renderking Fisk
[Hello, my name is Ren... and I'm an akubraholic.]

Hey, do I hear a new catchphrase? It would definitely breathe new life into the "best in.." statement while conveying the same sentiment.;)



Well, I never liked the man, Rush that is. Just something about him, an inherit mean spiritness. I can recall his take on drug users, and he had no sympathy at all. How ironic. Give me Mr. Oreilly anyday. He seems to be the genuine article. Go Bill!!! Fedora


Gone Home
Southern Belarus
Yeah, I like Bill too. But I am really hardcore. My man is, "Dr. Michael Savage". He lets both sides have it. No one is free from his venom. Rush, was too lenient on the Republicans. I just hate all politicians. It's time to that people that run for office understand the notion of being a civil servant. Get his book, "The Savage Nation".



One of the Regulars
Well, I don't wrap all my "hopes and dreams" in anybody. Rush Limbaugh had a shtick that he used on the radio and I enjoyed it. Some people don't understand his sense of humor or his faux over the top bravado. I'm a hardcore conservative and I liked his way of thinking, that's all. I'm mainly disappointed in Rush because he was the defacto flag ship of the conservative movement and by giving into his weaknesses he has given the left a lot of ammunition to use against us.

Like Sergei I enjoy listening to Michael Savage as well. His anger at the deterioration of our "borders, language and culture" echoes many of my concerns. I like his theory that liberalism is a mental disorder. :) Savage is hardcore that's for sure. So is Ann Coulter and I love her!!

I just wish that people would understand that there is nothing wrong with advocating morals and standards even if the messenger is fallible. Nobody is above sin and temptation. So does that mean no one has any right to spread moral values? Of course not. Bill Bennett was caught gambling but does that make his book about being virtuous any less meaningful? They're still good ideas even if the author is not perfect. All of us that are parents have done and said things in our life that we are probably not proud of. That doesn't mean we teach our children that our mistakes and bad choices were okay. So why is it that the liberal mindset wants to destroy anyone who speaks of morals and social standards when they turn out to be imperfect themselves? Take the Ten Commandments for instance. So what if you do not believe in the God and Jesus Christ. Aren't those ten rules a good idea no matter who wrote them?

I don't have the answers to these questions. The hard left, liberal mindset boggles and frustrates me.


A man after my own heart....

Sergei wrote: Yeah, I like Bill too. But I am really hardcore. My man is, "Dr. Michael Savage". He lets both sides have it. No one is free from his venom

Those are the kind of folks that I admire. To think that the Republicans or Democrats are always right is delusional in my book. So much of what you hear from both parties is nothing more than hogwash. It seems more important to follow the party line than to really make an effort in solving problems. So many times this nation winds up in a great quagmire due to the stances taken along party lines. It makes me sick. As I have often stated, I really don't know which party is worse at taking away personal freedoms. I sincerely feel that. All that I have to do is look at how things are now, as compared to when I was growing up in the late 50s and early 60s. (with the exception of civil rights of course) Anyone ever read old Charlie Reese? Perhaps he was never carried by any of the papers out west. I agreed with so much that he said, but not all. You know, I look around at my community and wonder what the hell is going on. This place is dying. What little manufacturing jobs that we had are all gone now. And it is that way in most places. Folks that used to work in these factories are now doing service type work, with the low wages. How quickly we forget that what makes a nation strong is the conversion of raw products into consumer goods. We ain't doing that anymore. Why? You know, I had a chance to buy cabinet supplies, and counter tops from outside the US, at a hell of a savings. I told the salesman to get the hell out, and don't come back. If I bought their wares, the folks that make my tops in north Alabama would eventually lose their jobs. More people need to have a conscience. Off subject, yes, but a pet peeve that neither party has addressed. Fedora


Gone Home
Southern Belarus
Yeah, Fedora you and me are on the same page. It's frightening to see all our good jobs go over seas. Even the high tech jobs are being outsourced to Bangaloor, India. For what you pay $80k per year for an American engineer, you pay $18K there. All the high tech companies of any size are doing it.

And then there is the lack of an ethical system on that side of the earth. They would think nothing of stealing your designs and copying them. Copyright Laws? What copyright laws? I was just recently dealing with a company from Tawain. They were interested in doing a business deal with us, but wanted our designs, source code and hardware schematics. Needless to say, you have to laugh at their moxy. It's just common knowledge they would have a copy of our product within 3 months, with no deal to us.

And where are the politicians they are suppose to protect us? I can safely say, both Republicans and Democrats have lined their pockets with campaign contributions from special interests that make them look the other way. It's sad. It's like watching a huge train wreck in slow motion.

Anyway, after seeing the movie, "The Secondhand Lions" (Duvall and Caine), I very much identify into their lifestyle of setting on my rocking chair on the front porch, with a shotgun across my knees. :)


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