Does this one go 'teacore'? Interesting choice for Lewis - presumably influenced by the international market. It's a bit of an anachronism as of the hundreds of vintage Lewises I've seen over the years, I've never seen one go teacore that I can recall, but clearly there's a market demand for it.
It does, the hide is a very light beige, a bit lighter than what you would expect from black CXL.
I saw a couple jacket made from it at the store last year.
IMO the nicest leather they offer.
Very light beige skin colour beneathe the black top coat, nice sheen, great grain, nothing to dislike.
If it had a Shinki stamp people would be going crazy about it and not think a second thought about the £450 upcharge, unfortunately it is made in France in an unknown tannery that doesn't employ magical elves, so nobody seems to care about it....
If i was ordering a Lewis today i would get it in that leather, even with the upcharge it is cheaper than any japanese made shinki jacket and IMO of the same quality.
I think @red devil had a couple pics at some point.
The Lewis Leathers patch on the chest, is that there to stay? (I hope not)I only took two pics back then, here you go
We were wowed when we saw this leaher in hand, it looks really good. It is a top end leather, especially considering how it got our attention first thing when we went in the store. True, as @Carlos840 says, you don't have the "It is shinki!" bragging rights if this matters to you.
You can see the beige colour on the strap in the pic above. I haven't bought one yet, so can't comment how it would break in.
The Lewis Leathers patch on the chest, is that there to stay? (I hope not)
I only took two pics back then, here you go
We were wowed when we saw this leaher in hand, it looks really good. It is a top end leather, especially considering how it got our attention first thing when we went in the store. True, as @Carlos840 says, you don't have the "It is shinki!" bragging rights if this matters to you.
You can see the beige colour on the strap in the pic above. I haven't bought one yet, so can't comment how it would break in.
I saw a couple of pics floating online from Lewis with them displaying it and it did look super impressive. I place my order for a 391T Vegecow Lighting , No patch, custom sizing, black lining and black tape back in November through The Stronghold. Kinda Regret not going straight through Lewis since they dont communicate very well. I didn't know it did not come standard with a pocket inside, luckily i was able to put in that order before the jacket was completed. Now it's just the waiting game, I was hoping someone could share a live picture or their experience on how its aged. I'll post pics and update you all on how it looks and feels as soon as i get itI saw a couple jacket made from it at the store last year.
IMO the nicest leather they offer.
Very light beige skin colour beneathe the black top coat, nice sheen, great grain, nothing to dislike.
If it had a Shinki stamp people would be going crazy about it and not think a second thought about the £450 upcharge, unfortunately it is made in France in an unknown tannery that doesn't employ magical elves, so nobody seems to care about it....
If i was ordering a Lewis today i would get it in that leather, even with the upcharge it is cheaper than any japanese made shinki jacket and IMO of the same quality.
I think @red devil had a couple pics at some point.
The Lewis Leathers patch on the chest, is that there to stay? (I hope not)
They had a period where they did not give the option to remove the brand- when I bought my turquoise one. But they went back to allow you to specify whether you want it or not. This bigger patch was probably chosen because it was their first sample?
The leather is beyond still looking at it side by side to my RMC Bucos and to my eye its on par if not better than them.
Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations!It really is!! Here’s a few more pics , damn the hide is just so amazing.. it feels like nothing else