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"America: Freedom to Fascism" Moved from The Motion Picture

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Dixon Cannon

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sonoran Desert Hideaway
Hi Barry, good question!...

Barry said:
It's a dead issue and I find it somewhat amusing that people are still interested in this tax protester nonsense/garbage.

So, pray tell, which theory does our producer believe in?


From what I hear, Russo believes in the Constitution of the United States of America and the rule of law - but I don't want to reveal any 'spoilers'! I guess you'll just have to go see it Barry!

dr greg

One Too Many

"Mayerisms." Ya gotta love the man!
At the risk of being pedantic, I think you'll find that was a 'Goldwynism' along with others such as 'include me out' Sam Goldwyn mangled the language fabulously, and is probably more famous for what he said than what he did, which was: (along with a few others) create Hollywood.


Practically Family
Allen, Texas, USA
dr greg said:
"Mayerisms." Ya gotta love the man!
At the risk of being pedantic, I think you'll find that was a 'Goldwynism' along with others such as 'include me out' Sam Goldwyn mangled the language fabulously, and is probably more famous for what he said than what he did, which was: (along with a few others) create Hollywood.

D'OH! You know I think you're right? I got Louie B. Mayer mixed up with Sam Goldwyn! :eek: I knew it it was one of the MGM founders. I now officially have egg on my face. :eek:

Thanks for the correction. Now please let me crawl back into my hole to recover what is left of my dignity. God, I am such an eediot sometimes. lol



One Too Many
Just outside London
airfrogusmc said:
DC thought you would find this quote interesting.
"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism as it is a merger of state and corporate power"--Benito Mussolini

Good to see you back airfrogusmc - and yes, a very interesting quote. If anyone can define fascism it's Mussolini.

Dixon Cannon

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sonoran Desert Hideaway

airfrogusmc said:
DC thought you would find this quote interesting.
"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism as it is a merger of state and corporate power"--Benito Mussolini

Airfrogusmc, I think you have nailed something here! And, you haven't even seen the movie yet, I'll bet. Did Benito's heirs move here after the war, I wonder?....or just his politics!!! -dixon cannon

Addendum. One of our own heros, anti-fascist leaders, and former Presidents had this to say: In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.


Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 17, 1961

Katt in Hat

A-List Customer
The Gold Coast of Florida
Don't confuse me with the facts, I'm Vintage Golden Age!

It ain't the $300 LID that is the measure of the man; it's the POT underneath that counts.

One man, one vote is our keystone; not one $, one vote.

But seriously folks...

:kick: :deadhorse :kick:

Shaul-Ike Cohen

One Too Many
Shaul-Ike Cohen said:
Salv said:
If anyone can define fascism it's Mussolini.
Not necessarily.

I've been told my reply was, uh, a bit feeble. Sorry for that.

What I meant to say was that simply because Mussolini was a fascist, he isn't necessarily qualified to define fascism. More generally speaking, the self-definition, self-conception and self-image of something, even an explicitly ideological new movement isn't - necessarily - identical to an outside definition by sociologists, political scientists, scholars of intellectual history and the like. (Though objective and neutral in theory, the latter can err or give unhelpful definitions, too, of course.)

Concerning fascism, one difference I can think of is anti-rationalism, which scholars will typically list as an element of fascism, though Mussolini might not agree. They might agree on corporatism and anti-communism.

One level more on-topic: Mussolini is correct about corporate power, but this sociological term doesn't mean "big companies" as in 'corporate America'. For those interested, a glance at the pertinent Wikipedia article will make this difference clearer.


I'll Lock Up
Shining City on a Hill
Before we disgress too far off topic;

What is the central premise to this film? What examples does this film use to justify it's title? Just reading this title makes me think that the film is about politicians and economic policy in; New England, New York, San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles.

Dixon Cannon

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sonoran Desert Hideaway
I buttin' out!...

Lincsong said:
What is the central premise to this film? What examples does this film use to justify it's title? Just reading this title makes me think that the film is about politicians and economic policy in; New England, New York, San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles.

I've said enough. I think 521 views and 29 comments pretty well justifies this post. Any additional information about this film can be found on Google; with the entry of the title, the #1 response is the movie's home page. A lot of people seem to be looking there too. Something is happening.

-dixon cannon
So, very few of us (maybe only One) have seen the film. The people/person who have/has seen the film refuse(s) to discuss it. What's the point of this thread in the film section? (sorry if this causes the thread to be closed. No hard feelings).

Seems to me like a film update of It Can't Happen here. A warning, more than a claim that is HAS happened.



Practically Family
The producer / director appears to be searching for (in part) the law that requires the average US citizen to pay taxes.

It's an old, dead, boring issue. Tax protestors start with the premise that they shouldn't have to pay taxes and then they wind up building goofy and wholly unsupported "legal arguments."


Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California
Filthy said:
Say the word, Fearless Leader, some us will march into any bar you're tendin'! One idea might be to add some more bars (I'm always for more bars!) Maybe we could have a "Political Movie Bar" and a "Religion Bar" and a "Personal Therapy Bar?" There is too much good knowledge here to be shared by many wisened ones to not have a bar for them all! What do you say? I am so excited and enthusiastic to be here and learn I will go to all the bars regularly on Pub Crawls! Hey, can you help me get my new screen name up? I want to go with "Robert!" New Member doesn't begin to describe what I'm all about!

Fabulously yours!,


Golly, "Filthy"! You're an Internet troll, and you're trollin'! We're so excited and enthusiastic to realize this! Hey, you think you're fabulously funny! Gosh, you're not! Internet troll member really does begin to describe what you're about!

Fabulously someone elses!,

P.S.! :kick: !


Katt in Hat

A-List Customer
The Gold Coast of Florida
Something wrong with that Region, State and those Cities?

Originally Posted by Lincsong (partial snip)
"Just reading this title makes me think that the film is about politicians and economic policy in; New England, New York, San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles."

We fought a most Uncivil War to Preserve The Union. Are you desirous of cutting out 30-50 million of our Citizens because you hold a different political view?

Do you seek a one party system? May I remind you that the Popular vote went to the defeated candidate in 2004?


Hardlucksville, NY
I will add this film to my "to see" list. This reminds me of the discussions on other "hot button" films. Brokeback Mountain, Good Night and Good Luck, Fahrenheit 9/11. There is more heated discussion about the films than the films were worth! :D Go figure. [huh]
Do the filmmakers make a point by generating these discussions?
Feraud said:
I will add this film to my "to see" list. This reminds me of the discussions on other "hot button" films. Brokeback Mountain, Good Night and Good Luck, Fahrenheit 9/11. There is more heated discussion about the films than the films were worth! :D Go figure. [huh]
Do the filmmakers make a point by generating these discussions?

No, they just make lots of money from people who do not have anything else better to do than go see movies like this. :rolleyes:
I think this thread needs to go into the Observation Bar because it is obviously more about the title than the movie. No one has seen it and we are just going on a basis of conjecture concerning the subject and content of the film. Its not about movies now it is about Fascism. This thread needs a :kick: into the Observation Bar where such topics are discussed rather than have someone stumble on this and think it is actually about a movie. :rolleyes: :eusa_doh:



Marc Chevalier

Gone Home
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, California
I agree.

In the future, if someone would like to start a thread about a movie that is overtly political, he/she could open the thread here AND in the Observation Lounge. In the thread here (in The Moving Picture section), the opening post could tell people to go to the Observation Lounge for a discussion. In other words, this thread could be used as a means to send people over to the Observation Lounge's thread on the film.

Marc Chevalier said:
I agree.

In the future, if someone would like to start a thread about a movie that is overtly political, he/she could open the thread here AND in the Observation Lounge. In the thread here (in The Moving Picture section), the opening post could tell people to go to the Observation Lounge for a discussion. In other words, this thread could be used as a means to send people over to the Observation Lounge's thread on the film.


Or it could just start there in the first place. Some movies are obviously more attuned to being discussed in the Observation Bar. They really aren't movies they are political statements---some have already been mentioned. :rolleyes:


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