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Do you have a set beauty routine?


Call Me a Cab
Soon to be not-so-sunny Boston
I am extraordinarily pale and can wear Coty Airspun in translucent (the regular formula, not the extra coverage one--it's too dark.) However, I ordered the lightest shade Coty makes (Rachel No. 1) on Amazon and it is very light--a perfect ivory shade. I like this shade much better and it blends perfectly with my skin.


Familiar Face
wibblebird said:
I really like what Paula Begoun has to say about eye creams:

I've always felt that eye creams are just moisturizers with more wax or something to make them thicker. I've found that my regular facial moisturizer (a gel moisturizer which doesn't have sunscreen by - you guessed it - Paula Begoun) does just fine to moisturize my eye area. I do have the odd wrinkle at age 35, but I attribute this to a lifetime of nearsightedness (squinting!) and the sleep deprivation my first child has caused over the last year.

You know, I was just having this exact thought the other day! I was thinking about buying an "eye cream" since I have been using my Olay Sensitive around the eye area, but I got to thinking...what's so special about eye cream??? Thanks for passing this along.


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Since you asked

If your face cream has hyaluronic acid in it, it will make your eyes puffier. Unless you don't have puffy eyes, just wrinkles, then it will puff up your wrinkles which might be what you want. Unless you don't have wrinkles.
Skin around the eyes is delicate. A thick cream is easy to pat on. Also, you don't want a thin cream running into your eyes.


New in Town
I kind of like the idea of thicker formulation too...I don't think they are any magic potion or anything either, but I thought they were made for the thin sensitive eye skin. Most of the regular anti wrinkle creams say to avoid the eye/eyelid area. I know if I use anything with strong ingredients or fragrance around my eyes the skin gets red and itchy and peely (ew) It does seem like a rip off, I agree. The norm seems to be 20-30$ for like 0.5oz. and I have never tried any of them yet. I use my regular sensitive skin sunscreen lotion all over (eyes/neck included) for day, but I was thinking a wrinkle helper might be nice for eyes at night. I am only 28 but I think my sleeplessness, and squinting from photography, as well as extensive sun exposure/burns as a child have contributed to early crows feet (lucky me :rolleyes: )



One of the Regulars
I just got my Thayers Rose Witch Hazel in the mail today!:)

It smells so nice, I am so thrilled not to be using the plain old medicine style anymore!


I wanted to thank you ladies for your advice. Because of your recommendations, I bought Pond's classic cold cream. I figured I had nothing to loose. Nothing else I was doing was getting rid of a large break out on the right side of my face that I had for about 5 months :eek: I had better skin at 16 than I do at 30! :rage:

I have now been using the cold cream at night which I remove with a warm wash cloth, I follow that with an herbal toner by Nivea that is alcohol free. I use an intensive moisture night cream by Oil of Olay (the 30 number has made me nervous lol ) In the morning I am using a mild foaming cleanser by Pond's and more toner. Of course Oil of Olay moisturizer with sunscreen finishes.

The difference in my skin is unbelievable. Within 2 days I could see a difference. I can count on one hand that number of new break outs I have had in the past month. My skin is smooth and soft and my coloring is more even. I feel like I can pull my hair away from my face again!

I can't thank you guys enough. I feel like a different lady! I am throwing away my salicylic acid astringent, lotion, spot treatment and apricot scrub!

Who would have thought, mineral oil and bee's wax? :eek:


Call Me a Cab
Soon to be not-so-sunny Boston
I can't thank you guys enough. I feel like a different lady! I am throwing away my salicylic acid astringent, lotion, spot treatment and apricot scrub!

I am so glad it has helped you as well! It certainly does run contrary to what the beauty industry wants us to be believe, but the cold cream regimen really does work. :)


Call Me a Cab
The Emerald City
jitterbugdoll said:
I am extraordinarily pale and can wear Coty Airspun in translucent (the regular formula, not the extra coverage one--it's too dark.) However, I ordered the lightest shade Coty makes (Rachel No. 1) on Amazon and it is very light--a perfect ivory shade. I like this shade much better and it blends perfectly with my skin.

I tried a little of the powder today. It's way too dark for me. :( It needs to find a different home. First person to PM me about it gets it. I'll pay postage - just want it to have a good home, and can't return it to the store as I've used a bit of it.


Practically Family
I have bought me Ponds Cream with Cacao-butter cause I couldn´t find cold cream anywhere. I had seen German adds for it in one of my magazines from the 30s so it must have existed here in the past, but not anymmore. Anyway: If the cold cream is as good as the other cream I got me I can recommend it.

I actually don´t really like most creams cause they leave a greasy feeling on my skin but that one is perfect. Now that I passed the age of 25 I got to take a better care of my skin and since the cream wasn´t that expensive I gave it a try.

Every morning I apply it on my face in a thin layer and wait about 5 minutes till its all gone and than I put on my make up, my besame powder, eyeliner and mascara.


Practically Family
I wound up waiting for a bus for over half an hour yesterday(it never showed up), it's -18 out plus windchill. There was no wind shelter to be had, so I got really windburned, and probably a little frostbitten, on the skin of my face.

My cheeks in particular stung like the devil, I used my Pond's when heading to bed, as usual, and it soothed my skin like nothing else, my face today isn't even red anymore, much less the burning or peeling I've gotten before:eek:

Long story short I love my Pond's even more so now than I did before.:D Thanks so much ladies for all the input and reviews that led me to my face saver. And a special thank you to VanillaT for starting this thread, cause without it I might never have known.:D


A-List Customer
Dallas, Texas
My CVS store-brand cold cream was almost gone, so I went ahead and bought a jar of Ponds. I like the Ponds a lot better.

Packaging: The CVS brand cold cream jar has a sharp edge on the inside of the lip that makes it painful to get to the bottom of the jar. The jar itself is a flat white with a stuck-on paper label and a flat green lid. The lip of the Ponds jar is nice and smooth, and the jar itself is a pretty, slightly translucent white with a stuck-on label that looks painted, and a pearlescent green lid.

Product: Although the listed ingredients are identical, The Ponds is more smooth and creamy, lighter and easier to rinse off. The CVS brand is not as smooth, and a bit heavier and harder to rinse. The Ponds smells nicer, more expensive. The CVS...well, not quite right. I'm not sure whether it has gone bad, or is just a poor scent. My husband said "I can detect a hint of dirty diapers in here." :eek:

Price: This is the only place CVS wins. But not by enough...I'm buying Ponds from now on.



Call Me a Cab
The Emerald City
Babydoll said:
I tried a little of the powder today. It's way too dark for me. :( It needs to find a different home. First person to PM me about it gets it. I'll pay postage - just want it to have a good home, and can't return it to the store as I've used a bit of it.

Nobody wants the powder? :(


Practically Family
It seems like I'm the odd one out for whom this supposedly miraculous Pond's Cold Cream doesn't work. I was very impressed by the testimony given it on this forum, and since my skin is problematic, I thought "Well, this should be just the thing!" So I set out to the store, bought a jar, and used some that night. From the first, things were amiss, because although I did everything properly, it made my skin feel very heavy and clogged, and didn't mattify the skin's appearance afterwards. I was disappointed, but determined to stick it out, and hope for better results. I used it for about 1.5 weeks, and during that time my skin broke out and just in general behaved more badly than it has in a -long- while. I couldn't handle it anymore and have since quit, and gone back to my usual way of just using a bar of this soap:

It works wonderfully, and my face is clear and soft, and it's wonderful. I'm sad that a well regarded product wasn't able to work for me, but I'm glad I have something that does. :) ;)

pretty faythe

One Too Many
Las Vegas, Hades
I was thinking the same thing at first. My face had a small break out the first day. Then again, when ever you use a product that is supposed to clear your skin, you normally have some sort of breakout because its pulling all the dirt and such to the top of the skin.
This is what I do.
I use jergans cold cream, leave it on for about 5 minutes or so, then use tissue to wipe off. Even on days that I have used no make up and wash my face first theres a bunch of icky dirt. Then I use witch hazel to tone. In the mornings I use a moisturizer (generic oil of olay from Family Bargain Store)
I have been doing this for a few weeks and have noticed a deffinate softness, not so tight in my dry areas.

The other day I was accosted in the mall by one of the kiosk sellers selling dead sea salt products. "oh your hands are so dry do you soap them often?"
No, I told her, I work with my hands all day. "Rub this salt in your hands. Feal how it is softening it?, Now use this lotion, feel the difference?" I'm thinking of course theres a difference while I'm rubbing this into my skin, it needs time to dry to see if there is really a difference.
"Your face is so blotchy. You need to use this face peel. It will get rid of the black heads and red spots. See how it peels?" she asks while rubbing it on my arm. I told her let me walk around and I'd think about it. So then she goes into the whole she'll give me a deal, by the salt scrub, the lotion and she'll give me the face peel for $10 off. I'm all let me walk around. So then she keeps going on about giving me a deal and lowering the price, but keeps going back to my face. So I wound up buying the peel for 20 odd dollars (supposedly a 60 dollar jar) cuz she was so intemidating. Taller than my poor 5'5 buy at least 3 inches and skinny. Up in my face and all too.

Long story coming to an end, I am currently using that too, to see if there is any difference. And I am ticked too, cuz I thought my complection was actually looking pretty good that day!


That's too bad, that it made your skin worse, LadyStarDust! Just goes to show, no two faces are the same ;)

I am glad that you do have something that works for you, however!

I am curious what the difference is. Would be so interesting to be a scientist with unlimited money and figure out why it worked for me, but not for you. Of course, it would be biased since it wouldn't be a double blind study or random, but it would still be interesting :)

::begins scheming how to lure her co-workers unknowingly into a face cream trial study::

hummmmm ..... lol


Faythe! How terrible! Everyone is sensative about their skin. I wouldn't put much stock in what she said. Its her job to make you so insecure that you buy her product, or else she doesn't get paid. Your skin looks lovely in your picture. It may take time for the cold cream regime to even out your skin coloring. I would have told her that her insults really offended me, and walked away. I bet if someone with perfect skin walked by, she would have said the same thing to them. Grrrrrr


A-List Customer
Dallas, Texas
I really hate those Dead Sea Salt sellers. Around here, their opening line is "Can I ask you a question?" as you walk past. I find a good strong "NO!" and not stopping does the trick. It's not rude; they don't want to ask you a question as they pretend, they just want to sell something. Don't let them intimidate you into buying if you don't want to; like spammers, if that selling technique works, they'll keep using it.



One of the Regulars
Man, I had a Clinique lady one time pull that crapola on me and I left. Immediately. I had been having a really bad time with my acne but I thought it was finally clearing up and here was this counter lady telling me that it was awful and that I really needed to scrub it. I walked away as fast as I could and my eyes were all tearing up.

Still makes me mad to think of it.

pretty faythe

One Too Many
Las Vegas, Hades
When I was walking around the mall, I was thinking of how I felt was a lot like the scene from the movie "The Truth About Cats and Dogs", where Janine Garafalow (I know I'm not getting her name quite right) was attacked and attemadated by the cosmetics lady.

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