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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Sal ast me to do 'eh a faveh t'is Sunday," comments Alice," as she and her husband half-listen to "Gang Busters" in their basement-apartment parlor. "Yeh?" queries Krause, not looking up from his copy of "Popular Mechanics," where he is absorbed in an article decribing the "Air Highways of 1950." "Yeh," nods Alice. "T'is pr'fesseh guy, t'is Minkoff, is comin' oveh t' tawk to 'eh about Leonoreh. An' she wants I should be t'eh. "Yeh?" asks Krause, looking up from his reading material. "She's noivous," shrugs Alice. "She's afraid wit' Joe gawn, t'neighbehs will gawssip. Her seein' a man alone inna 'pawrtment 'nawl." "Heh," chuckles Krause. "I know," agrees Alice. "Who's gonna gawssip? T' Ginsboigs? T'ey wouldn' do t'at. Maybe t'at daughteh a' t'ez might, t'at Mrs. Levy, awrways tellin' me I need t' wawsh t' bedsheets moeh awft'n, but she's livin' out in Maspet'. She ain' got nut'n t'do wit' it. Maybe Mrs. Nucci up onna t'oid flooeh, but she don' hawrdly eveh even come outa t' apartment since 'eh boy inna Navy run awff wit' t'at V-goil fr'm Time Squaeh." "Neh," acknowledges Krause, returning to his magazine. "Y'know who MIGHT try t' stawrt sump'n? declares Alice. "T'at rat Flannehry t' cop. He's gawt it in f'rawluv us. R'membeh what he done t'YOU -- onnawr wedd'n night no less? Gett'nya arrested f'passin'at funny money 'nawlat? I bet he sees t'is Minkoff guy goin' in Sal's apawrtmn', he'll go right out an' stawrtt'a bawl rollin'. He'll tell'at cousin a'his woiks downa t'at drug stoeh, t'at one's awrways sellin' paregoric t' bums, an' it'll be awloveh t'neighbehhood. Sal won' be able t' hol' up'eh head in public. She'll have a REPUTATION! An' ya know, t'at ain' faieh, Sal ain'na type. In fack, y'know what she tol' me oncet? Befoeh she met Joe, she neveh even been wit' nobody. She was savin' 'ehself f' Rudy Vallee! She TOL' me. O'couese, I ain' gawssippin' a'nut'n, but anyways, maybe I oughta do sump'n about Flannehry, y'know? Maybe I oughta fix 'im oncen'f'rawl." Krause looks up again and cogitates the possibilities. He takes his cigar out of his mouth, glances at his wife, and advises "Neh." "Hmph," hmphs Alice. "Well, f'yawr sake, Rosebud, I won' do nut'n. But he betteh keep 'is trap shut. If t'ez one t'ing I hate, it's gawssip.")

German forces today were reported to be fully occupying the Nazi satellite states of southeastern Europe. With Hungary already under full German control, a Nazi force of 50,000 men was reported to be moving across the border into Rumania, siezing all communications facilities, railways, and other strategic points, while S S troops from Vienna were moving into vital points in Slovakia. Various sources, however, reported that the Nazis are facing "some difficulty" in Rumania, with all roads reported jammed with panicky refugees fleeing ahead of the Soviet advance.

The flow of lava from Mount Vesuvius slowed somewhat today, but the volcano continues to spew a steady stream of ash and rock from its cone, with boulders nearly two feet across shooting more than 2000 feet into the air before crashing down like bombs on the mountainside below. The ash sleet was reported to be reddish-colored, giving the sky the impression that it is raining wine. Army bulldozers were working frantically to clear highways for the remaining evacuees from surrounding towns, with ash drifts along the roads reported to be up to two feet deep.

Accusing Mayor LaGuardia and former corporation counsel Paul Windel of engaging in a "sham battle" over the question of a ten-cent subway fare, Brooklyn City Councilman Joseph T. Sharkey today charged that the Mayor is "pussyfooting" around the issue. "I think the Mayor and Windel are putting on a sister act," declared Sharkey. "They appear to be fighting, but I don't know." Appearing before a special meeting of the Sewanhaka Club, Sharkey asserted that the Mayor is trying to blame the City Council for the failure of any action to be taken on the question of a fare increase, even though, he notes, the only thing the Council can do is order a referendum if any rate change is proposed by the Board of Estimate. Yesterday the Board rejected two proposals by Bronx Borough President James J. Lyons to increase the fair, leading to an eruption of feelings between Lyons and Council President Newbold Morris. "Your resolution is dishonest," accused Morris, leading Lyons to denounce Morris as "a mockingbird" taking orders from his friends at the Bankers' Club. Morris heatedly accused Lyons, in turn, of himself being "a tool of interests."


("Hmph," snorts Flannery the Cop, leaning on the drugstore counter as he scans the editorial page. "Ain'nat a disgrace." "Yeh," replies his cousin, handing him a dirty envelope.)


("That's nothing, did you see? He's growing a moustache!")


(What, Leo broke out in a rash? What if he's allergic to pool-cue chalk????)


(I clearly recognize Camilli, Medwick, and Vaughan in the picture too, but I guess -- um -- we can't mention that....)


(Mary is getting as sick of this storyline as we are.)


(George is a brave man or a very stupid man, or possibly both.)


(Officers? PAH! They always stick you with the check!)


(For someone who has been thru the things Scarlet has been thru, she's still disturbingly trusting.)


(It's like Twitter eighty years before its time.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Largest Circulation of Any Paper In America.


"Don't I get a mention???" -- Lois DeFee.


Y'know, it really COULD be!


You know, it can't be healthy to have that X-Ray beam on you all the time.


Live and learn.




You can tell Pipdyke's a big shot because he copyrighted his own desk.


"What's that smell?"


I, at least, had a toy washing machine.


Your father would be ashamed of you. Which, I guess, is probably the whole point.
New York City
Re "Annie," Other than the rooming house not quite fitting Nick's style (but he is a "you do what you have to do" guy), it feels like it could be him.

Re "T&TP," Cheery's put on some weight since we last saw her.


Practically Family
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("Dipht'eria," sighs Alice. "T'at's an awrful t'ing, y'know. When I was inna home t'eh, it come t'ru t'eh an' evr'ybody got sick, includin' me. Didn't sleep f'ra week fr'm awla coughin'. Coupla kids inneh died fr'm it. T'sistehs couldn' do much about it, neiteh, Oh, t'ey done t'bes' t'ey could, i guess, wit' bringin' in doctehs'nawl, but even'a coupl'a t'em got sick." "I had it too," recalls Sally. "Me'n Mickey bot'. T'at was right aroun'a time t'at influenza was goin' aroun', y'know, t'at Spanish Flu t'eh, an' Ma was afraid we had t'at. I t'ink she was glad when it on'y toint out t'be diptht'eria. T'ey gotcha vaccinations f'rit now, t'ough. Leonoreh had one right afteh she was bawrn, an'nen a coupla moeh." "'Mazin' what t'em scientis' can do," marvels Alice. "Now t'eh sayin' t'ey c'n take t' mold awffa piece bread an' toin' it inta medicine. T'ey shoulda come aroun'a home t'eh, t'at's about t' on'y kinda bread t'ey give us." "Aw," dismisses Sally, "It wasn'NAT bad. Was it?" "Well, maybe not awla bread was moldy," shrugs Alice, "butcha get me pernt. Lenoreh's a lucky kid growin' up now, wit' awlis science 'n what not. Which remin's me, whatcha gonna do 'bout t'is Docteh Minkoff?" "I dunno," confesses Sally. "I wanna know what Joe t'inks, an'nen I'll make up my mind. Ma don' want me to do it, she was awl upset. She says I dowanna do nut'n t'make Leonoreh stand out, 'cause people might pick on'neh. An' I c'n see t'pernt, I mean, look at me -- awrways gett'n shoved in stairways by soiten people, stuff like t'at." "People tried t'pick on me," nods Alice, flexing her wide hands into fists. "But I vaccinated'm against t'at idea pretty quick.")

Premier Marshal Hideki Tojo told the Japanese Parliament today that Japan's military position has become "very serious" over the past six weeks, with the empire now facing "decisive struggles that will determine its destiny." A dispatch from the German DNB news agency reporting on the speech from Tokio also noted that Tojo asserted that the Japanese to date have "warded off all-out attacks" on Japan's outer fighting lines, but it appeared that Tojo made no effort to reconcile that statement with his acknowledgement that the Japanese military situation has deteriorated in recent weeks. During the six-week period mentioned by Tojo, American forces in the Southwest Pacific have siezed new islands within 800 miles east and 500 miles south of Truk, her main bastion outside her home waters.

Moscow warned Helsinki today that by rejecting Soviet terms for a proposed armistice that would take Finland out of the war, she has "assumed all liability for the consequences." Soviet newspapers today gave wide play to yesterday's Finnish communique declaring that the Soviet armistice terms were "unacceptable without further clarification," but the press refrained from commenting on the implications of that statement.

Turbulent Mount Vesuvius went into its fifth day of violent eruptions today with no abatement of the lava flows that have obliterated the Italian villages of San Sebastiano and Massa di Somma, partially destroyed Solina, and have threatened several other towns. It was feared that a two mile high column of fine dust that belched from the volcano late yesterday presages a change in the direction of the lava flow toward the south, placing the towns of Torra del Greco, Resina, and Torre Annunziata in increasing danger. Some of the falling volcanic dust peppered as far away as Salerno, but no hot ash fell there.

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(J. Paul Getty????)

Cartoonist Fred Harman, creator of the "Red Ryder" western adventure comic appearing every Sunday in the Eagle, was the guest of honor at the Brooklyn Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to the Childen, where sixty youngsters gathered to hear authentic cowboy stories and receive autographs. Dressed in full Western garb, the cowboy cartoonist sketched Red Ryder and Little Beaver for the assembled children, and sang a solo rendition of "Home On the Range." Harman is a close friend of Superintendant Wilson D. McKarrow, and was making his first visit to the Brooklyn home, which provides care for children involved in court actions or are victims of abuse by their parents or of vicious home surroundings.

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("Six paarcent beer!" roars Uncle Frank, his ruddy face reddening even further from the laughter. "Oi'll be bound! Goooo ahead -- waaaaaaste yarr reeeeesarces!" "Hey Pop," interrupts Jimmy the Chest. "T'eh t'reatenin' t' shut awff t'wawteh out t' t' waehhouse again." "Ah," nods Uncle Frank. "A little LESS wateh in t' Wateh Commissioneh's next orrdar, if ye please.")

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(Ripped From The Headlines.)

Mayor LaGuardia has given his wholehearted endorsement to the proposal by the Tolerance Day League to amend the pledge of allegience recited by school children each morning to add the phrase "I will respect my neighbor regardless of race or religion." League President Victor Anfuso, addressing a meeting of the group last night at the Hotel St. George, made public a letter from the Mayor instructing School Superintendant John E. Wade to "take such action as he might deem proper" to implement the amended pledge in the city's public schools.

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("There are 80 years of smart old catching in camp." Well that's one way to put it.)

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(Oooh, special effects.)

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("What? I didn't hear a thing.")

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(Everybody hates lieutenants.)

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(Yeah, Stamm, it's REALLY a good thing the real Tesla's dead.)

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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("See here, Leonora!!!" admonishes Ma, rushing over to the corner by the magazine rack, where her granddaughter is yanking furiously on her grandson's left arm. "Don't be poolin' on William's aarm loike that! Yaal haaart 'im!" "Weeh play'n," protests Leonora. "What cood ye paaasibly be playin' that makes ye pool his aaarm!," scoffs Ma. "Now lettim go!" With a bitter sulk, Leonora releases her cousin's wrist and offers her grandmother a mopey scowl. "Wan' my nick'l back," she growls. "Whaaaat's this now?" puzzles Ma. "Whaaat's this aboot a nickel?" "I wan' my nick'l back," Leonora repeats, pointing sharply at Willie. "I doon't knoow what this is aaahl aboot," commands Ma, "boot giv' th' choild baaack her nickel!" With an eyeroll, Willie complies, spitting the nickel into Ma's outstretched palm. "Whaaaaat in Gaaah'ds name??" puzzles Ma. "Whaaat koinda game you playin' heeere?" "Slommasheen!!" declares Leonora with an angry stamp of her foot. "Slommasheen eat nick'ls!" Ma's eyes widen. "Unca Frank tol' me," explains Willie. "Unca Frank says Slommasheen's a monsteh t'at eats nick'ls! I wanna be a monsteh!" "Din' woik!" adds Leonora. "Willie jus' Willie. Unca Frank tella LIE." "Oh dearrrr," sighs Ma.)

Governor Dewey last night charged that the Roosevelt Administration has apparently begun what he called "a deliberate and dangerous policy of the suppression of news at home," and demanded that the public "be told the truth with reasonable promptness." Speaking at the presentation of awards to winners in the annual exhibit of the Press Photographers of New York, the Republican Governor asserted that "only now do we learn of the shooting-down of 21 transport planes and the killing of 41 American paratroopers in Sicily eight months ago." He further charged that "even after a Presidential broadcast, we still know precisely nothing of what really happened at the much-heralded conference in Teheran."


("The way the paper boy sells them." Well, the way a COMPETENT paper boy sells them.)


("By Litchy?" Let's see how long it takes the linotypist to sober up.)


("Sir," stammers Mr. Parrott, "do you really think this is WISE? Frenchy's an experienced man, he's draft-exempt, and he's the only guy we've got in camp who can play a decent third base." "Five hundred dollars," thunders Mr. Rickey, "is a significant sum. I am not Mr. MacPhail, my boy, I am not a man given to profligacy in pursuit of a purpose. If Mr. Bordagaray thinks he is worth an additional $500 in these difficult times, if he is SO UNPATRIOTIC as to stand on his rights in a time of NATIONAL EMERGENCY, he is not, my boy, the man I thought he was, HE IS NOT THE MAN I THOUGHT HE WAS, and I shall not suffer him to corrupt the youths of this organization with his..." "You spend that much each month," mutters Mr. Parrott, "on cigars." "I shall let that comment pass, my boy," disdains Mr. Rickey. "As you well know, I smoke as an aid to concentration. Any funds so expended are a legitimate business expense, my boy, a legitimate business expense. Now then, to the question of third base." "I told you before," sighs Mr. Parrott. "I'm a writer, not a ballplayer." "Both matters," declares Mr. Rickey, "are open to debate.")


(What?? Jinx Falkenburg is third lead in "Nine Girls" and you don't even MENTION it? How the mighty hath fallen.)


("Suppose you leave it to me. References? Do you know who Governor Blackston is? Do you know who MRS. Blackston is? Have you ever heard of Angel Varden?")


(George is always a man of reason.)


(In the spring of 1944, a Private First Class in the Army earns exactly $54 a day once a month.)


(Careful, now, going over that wall -- you know how hard it is to get stockings.)


(AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE HERO DOG is a prime example of a narcissistic sociopath.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"He used to say things in front of other people that were awful." Kid, haven't you ever SEEN the Ritz Brothers?


"The gun was laid aside briefly during an act of sexual intercourse." "Briefly."


"Did anybody ever want you, Red?" All right, so we're not going to be friends.


Yeah, but wait'll he sobers up.


He can't possibly be a real sailor.


"Hey look! It's Polly Moran!"


*Sniff* Do you smell spirit gum?


At least empty the bag first.


"Dear," says Mrs. Gould, handing her husband a letter. "It's another cease-and-desist from the Barrymore estate." "Put it on the desk," chuckles Mr. Gould, "with the others."


Sometimes I wonder how Mr. Willard comes up with his ideas.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Before we talk about Leonora," begins Dr. Minkoff, a cup of Nescafe steaming at his side, "I'd like to get to know a little about your family, your background, things like that." "Jus' a minute," interrupts Alice. "I t'ought you was here t'tawk about t' kid. Whatcha need t'know awlat stuff fawr?" "Shuttup," hisses Sally. "Jus' liss'n, don' tawk. Sawry about t'at, Docteh, Alice is kind'va buttinsky sometimes." "I ain' neiteh!" snaps Alice. "I'm jus' lookin' out f'y' int'rests." "Well go oven'na utteh room, look aftehr'm inneh," growls Sally. "You was sayin', Docteh?" "What I'd like to know is just some simple information," continues Dr. Minkoff. "For my files, you see. Where you were born, where your family comes from, things like that." "Yeh," shrugs Sally. "Awright. I was bawrn in Eas' Flatbush. April toiteent', 1913. My ma come fr'm Irelan' when she was about sev'nteen, fr'm a place cawlt Donegal, I t'ink. She was bawrn'n raised onna fawrm, see, her name was O'Donnell t'en, lotta O'Donnells innat Donegal she says. She lived wit' t'is cousin she had f'ra while, in Greenpernt, an'nen she met my pa, name'a Jack Sweeney, he was a hod carrieh -- you know what t'at is, it's a guy carries hods." "Oh yes," nods Dr. Minkoff, jotting in his pocket notebook. "Continue." "N'ney got married, an' moved t' Eas' Flatbush, an''ey had me brut'teh Mickey fois', 1911. An'nen me. An'nen t'wawr come along, t' fois' Woil' Wawr, y'know, an' Pa goes inna Awrmy. An'nee don' come back." "Ah," nods Dr. Minkoff. "He died in the war?" "Um," ums Sally, "Well..." "Hey, I t'ink I heeh Leonoreh askin' f'sump'n," interrupts Alice. "I'll go look." "So, um, yeh," continues Sally. "He neveh come back fr'm t'wawr, an' Ma gets a jawb woikin' innis canny stoeh on Rogehs Aveneh, run by t'is guy name'a Lieb, who's a frend'a my Uncle Frank, an'.." "Uncle Frank?" queries Dr. Minkoff. "Um, yeh," nods Sally. "Frank Leary. He ain' really my uncle, zackly, he's t'is -- um -- friend a' Ma's, kinda looked afteh 'rus, y'know. He's a widdehra, I guess, got a coupla boys of his own, twin boys, an'ney run a plumbin' comp'ny up on Bedf'd Aveneh. An'nee, you know, looks afteh Ma." "Ah," nods Dr. Minkoff. "Howcome you say it like t'at?" questions Sally, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, it's just interesting, that's all. So this Uncle Frank was -- well, a father figure to you?" "I guess," shrugs Sally. "He paid moeh'ra 'tention t'Mickey, I guess, him bein' a boy 'nawl. I kinda jus' kep' t'myself, I guess, read'n books n'awl." "Ah," replies Dr. Minkoff. "You liked to read. What sort of things did you read?" "Aw, anyt'ing," chuckles Sally. "Ma says t'fois' t'ing I read was t'label onna canna beans. I'd read boxes a' cawrn flakes, old bills, newspapehs, anyt'ing I come acrawst. I remembeh when I was in 6-B some guy onna street gimme a pamphlet about Sacco 'n Vanzetti, remembeh t'em? I t'ought t'at was really innehrestin', so I'd read anyt'ing like t'at I could find." "Ahhh," nods Dr. Minkoff. "You got interested in politics?" "Oh, I dunno," is Sally's guarded reply. "Politics is dumb. I jus' liked read'n'about it." "Ah," comments Dr. Minkoff. "Why you wanna know about politics?" Sally continues, an edge of suspicion creeping into her voice. "Oh," shrugs Dr. Minkoff. "Just routine questions." "Well," exhales Sally, "politics is dumb. Let's find ano'teh routine." "Interesting," nods Dr. Minkoff.")

The United States Chamber of Commerce committee on postwar problems called last night for the immediate formation of an international commission to draft a world peace plan based on the principles of the four-power Moscow Declaration. The committee recommends making the United States and the rest of the United Nations "the trustees of the peace" until a formal postwar agreement could begin operations. The recommendations have been delivered to the chamber's 1900 affiliated organizations for a referendum vote.

Three fliers who cavorted at a low level over Brooklyn Heights, around the Empire State Building, and under the East River Bridges are under arrest at the Naval Air Station Mercer Field in Trenton, New Jersey. The commandant announced that the three Navy pilots will be held on base pending disciplinary action. 20-year-old Ensign Robert W. Elshire of Omaha, Nebraska; 22-year-old Ensign Donald L. Watrous of Pueblo, Colorado; and 22 year old Norman Satterthwaite of Tacoma, Washington were attached on temporary duty at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn and had been assigned to fly three new Wildcat fighter planes to Mercer Field. The three will be charged with violating civil aeronautics regulations prohibiting flying at an altitude of less than 1000 feet.

The Eagle Editorialist congratulates Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for heeding the paper's call for first-run movie premieres in the borough by opening the new Red Skelton picture "Whistling in Brooklyn" at Loew's Metropolitan. "Since Brooklyn's 2,800,000 contribute largely to the box office support of Hollywood's product," notes the EE, "it would seem only fair that the industry should show some mark of respect for the community." The fact that the new Skelton film features Leo Durocher and other popular Dodgers makes the premiere doubly significant, even though the opening at the Metropolitan occured simulatneously with its opening at a Manhattan theatre.


("Melton reports that he's some 20 pounds overweight." Well, of course he should get a raise -- there's more OF him!)


(Yeh, well, Higbe STILL shoulda pitched Game One.)


(Oh, and better treat that wound before it goes septic. Gangrene is more a Chester Gould thing.)


("Of course you realize, Doc, hostilities have now begun!" CUT! Quit padding your lines!)


(Mrs. Berg is the hardest working woman in radio, and fortunately they pay her enough that she can afford a typist.)


(Salt, Ketchup, and Olives? How's your blood pressure?)


(Clothes become visible when he takes them off. Which raises an interesting point about the food.)


("Tea kettle curl?" Sure, gloat. Wait'll you go out in the rain!)


(Mary Worth a scheming coquette in 1894? The mind boggles.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"The arm and eye treatment?" See, this is where we could really use another diagram.


He was never that skinny in his life.


Did Lichty ghost this?


Jeez, Gould, what did Barrymore ever do to you?


If it *is* Nick, he's been on a diet.


A paying tenant? NAHHHHH. And I'm sure Jack will fit right in in hillbilly country. Yee-haw.


Please welcome our special guest, Mr. Raymond Massey.


Ah for the days when kids ran around shooting each other with lethal weapons. And the Ides of March was almost two weeks ago -- try to keep up!


I wouldn't have pegged Singh Singh for the polo type.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I jus' don' get it," frowns Sally. "He comes oveh t'as' questions 'bout Leonoreh, an' what's he do? As' me a buncha questions 'bout me an' Joe, an' wheh we come fr'm an' what we do an' what's oueh politics an'awlat? Whats'at gotta do wit' Leonoreh bein' smawrt f'ra age?" "He's a docteh," shrugs Alice. "Doctehs awrways ask ya questions. I wen' t't' docteh one time when I broke me awrm load'na truck f'ya Uncle Frank. He wanne'd t' know was I married, wheh I woiked, awlat stuff." "He wanned t'be sueh you was gonna pay 'im," is Sally's sour reply. "T'ey gimme t'at whole rigamarole ev'ry time Leonoreh gets one'a t'em eeh infections she gets. But y'know what t'em doctehs DON'T ask me? T'ey don' get on no politics. I'm tellin' ya, it makes me noivous. Remembeh a coupla yeehs back, t'at Rapp-Coude't Committee t'ey had t'eh? Awlem people at t'at Brooklyn Collitch los' t'eh jobs? How d'w I know t'is Minkoff ain' mixed up innat?" Askin' me was I a Communis'! I ain' no Communis', I'm A L P. Yeh, I did go heeh Oil Browdeh t'at time, but so din' twenny-t'ousan' ot'eh people. B'sides, look heeh t'papeh -- seems like Communis' ain' doin' too bad inna wawr, don'it?" "Well," shrugs Alice, "you hoid what he said, he jus' wanned t'know what kin'a atmospheeh Leonoreh was growin' up in, what kin'a t'ings she heehs you'n Joe tawkin' 'bout t'at maybe makes 'eh wanna read." "Atmospheeh," huffs Sally. "On Sixty-T'oid Street, he asks 'bout atmospheeh. Oh yeh, we got plenny'a atmospheeh!" "Awr you gonna take Leonoreh oveh t'eh to get t'at tes' he wants t'do," queries Alice, "t'at I Q tes'?" "I dunno," sighs Sally. "Onna one han', it might be a good t'ing t'know, an' onna ot'eh han' I don' wanna get in no trouble wit' nobody 'bout politics." "You still carryin'at brick in ya pocke'book?" chuckles Alice. "I'm t'oity one yeehs ol' wit' a little goil anna husban' inna soivice," exhales Sally. "Who's got time t' t'row bricks?")

Swiss dispatches to London newspapers today reported that Nazi occupation troops executed 500 Italian civilians in mass reprisal for the bombing of a German-orchestrated rally commemorating the 25th anniversary of Fascism in Italy. It was reported that 300 of the victims were marched to the Roman Colosseum, site of early Christian massacres, and slaughtered by machine gun fire. The remaining 200 were believed to have been killed when German soldiers fired into blocks of civilians, killing men, women and children indiscriminately. Thirty-two Nazi officers were reported killed in the bombing, most of them Gestapo, and a number of Italian Fascist militiamen were also reported killed.

An 18-year-old sewing-machine operator from Park Slope was charged today with arson after the tenth in a series of fires in the three-story apartment building where she lives. Helen Guersky of 1666 8th Avenue was arrested last night after two fires were set in the building yesterday. Police noted that Miss Guersky was present at all in the series of fires beginning February 9th, and showed "unusual interest" in their progress. Detective Vincent Regan stated that Miss Guesky under questioning finally admitted to setting the fires because she became angry at the landlord after tripping in an unlit stairway on February 7th. Six families live in the building.


("I have never heard a word of anti-anything in a muster room or a police station." If you say so, Commissioner.)

Registration at the Bay Ridge Nursery has more than doubled since the start of the "Daddy Draft," where up to 45 pre-school children are now enrolled, brought in by working mothers, the youngest an infant of 18 months. The majority are the children of mothers employed in factories in the Bush Terminal area.


(It took "Lifeboat" just short of two months to drift across the East River. I thought the current was faster than that...)

Failure of the State Fair Employment Act to pass this year is but "a temporary setback for the Negro's chances of employment in the postwar era," declared Roy Wilkins, acting executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and editor of the Association's magazine The Crisis. Speaking to the Brooklyn branch of the Association yesterday, Mr. Wilkins charged that the responsibility for the failure of the Act to pass lies with Governor Dewey, who refused to endorse it despite strong support from all parts of the state.

The Eagle Editorialist declares that the eradication of the black market must be made an imperitive, lest it foster the sort of "moral let-down" that resulted from the widespread flouting of the Prohibition law, which led to "the most appalling period of corruption and crime the American people have ever known."


(Still "Litchy." Did all the proofreaders get drafted?)

The battle beween House Un-American Activities Committee chairman Martin Dies (D-Texas) and columnist-radio commentator Walter Winchell led to a sharp exchange of views last night. The sponsor of Winchell's Sunday night broadcast, the Andrew Jergens Co. of Cincinnati, turned over to Rep. Dies the fifteen minutes following Winchell's program for a response to Winchell's severe criticism of Dies and the Committee, which has ordered an investigation into the columnist and a review of his past scripts. Winchell during his own broadcast preceding that of Rep. Dies declared that not only does he not withdraw any of his previous criticisms, he reiterates every one of them. Rep. Dies then took the air to denounce Winchell as "the Charlie McCarthy of the Smear Bund," and accused him of plotting to "discredit and destroy Congress to make way for an all-powerful central executive."


("Wasp Waisted Whit" is 1-A? Things must REALLY be getting desperate!)


(There is no end to Mary's skills.)


(Break the nose off? That's an all-day job.)


(He's in the Service Forces. Of course he knows how to "get things.")


(Sure, kid, it's not "breaking and entering" if the window's open.)


(WELL NOW, grins America's Number One Hero Dog. WATCH ME DO MY STUFF!)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

Well, the first one is clearly Brenda Frazier, Miss Cafe Society of 1938. The second one is a pin-up model named "Chili Williams", featured last year in Life Magazine. And the third one? Well, it isn't Miss Rheingold.


Even without the pictures you could tell this was all men. Not one of them says "Did I turn off the stove?"


Wait, "Mazie" who runs a boardinghouse? She doesn't have a sister named Emmy, by any chance?


Terry has never met Cheery, but he knew Captain Blaze very well. Wonder if he'll notice the resemblance....




Trust me, it's better this way.


Hey Josie, remeber Lana Lanigan? You two were pretty close once.


"Now I've got one more job for you. Take this bag of little slips of paper down to the candy store for me, and don't ask any questions."


War is hell.


Oh goody, another non-paying tenant.
New York City
The Eagle Editorialist declares that the eradication of the black market must be made an imperitive, lest it foster the sort of "moral let-down" that resulted from the widespread flouting of the Prohibition law, which led to "the most appalling period of corruption and crime the American people have ever known."

As always, Lizzie is spot on, the full pic of the wonderfully named Chili Williams:


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