They feel luxurious.
Seinfeld has got a lot to answer for! I do think, however, that almost any high street bought jacket is going to cause you problems the moment you start putting it under any hard wear. Thin, split leather that passes for high end stuff will scuff unattractively or develop tears well before FQHH or even mid-weight starts to look a bit frail; suede's just the same: if you choose a poor quality sample, it's going to have trouble coping with the elements. Even some of the bigger vintage-y off-the-peg names have been known to use very poor materials to make jackets. But I'll say it again: I think it's mad not to Scotch Guard any item.
Additional Pic's of this posted today on the Aero Instagram account .. I think I might like the jacket better if the collar was suede also.. am I crazy?
The leather sections ie...Collar, facings, pockets trim etc are not a secondary leather they are the same hide simply flipped over. This suede is very unique in that the reverse side has a full grain leather unlike most suede that have a nap on both sides. The collar etc are the very same hide as the body just reversed to show the grain. This is done to both give protection at high wear areas and also give slight two tone element. Other leathers such as horsehide are not an option as they would have a completely different characteristics in erms of drape, weight etc.
Would they do the whole jacket finished side showing? It would wear better, and probably look just as nice.
Additional Pic's of this posted today on the Aero Instagram account .. I think I might like the jacket better if the collar was suede also.. am I crazy?