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My new batch of G-1s: Star Sportswear, Martin Lane Co, Brill Bros Inc.


New in Town
Eau Claire, WI
I recently acquired a batch of G-1s from a seller on eBay: a size 44 Star Sportswear, a size 44 Martin Lane Co, and a size 46 Brill Bros Inc. They're all D models, so not super rare or anything, but they're all in great shape. I asked the seller for measurements, determined they would probably fit, and all three basically do. Considering they averaged out to $190ish per jacket, I think I scored a pretty good deal. After having limited success with the fit of reproduction jackets I'm thrilled to have a set of originals that actually fit!

They appear to have come from the collection of one Andy Andraska. All I know about him is what's on the name tag, assuming they are legit: He was an Aviation Fire Control Chief Petty Officer. No idea if he served with Attack Squadron 85, but he had the patch. I'm not sure what the "etiquette" is with name tags and such since these are my first jackets with them. Keep them on? Replace them with some sort of civilian name tag of my own? Would love people's input on that. Probably a bigger deal with a WWII-era jacket than late Vietnam-era jackets. If anyone can tell me more about these, I'm all ears. Based on the labels, I'm guessing the Lane is from '68, the Star is from '69, and the Brill is from '70?


First up, the Star. This is probably my favorite. The goatskin has a lot of character and looks just like the old jackets I saw on display on the USS Hornet. The honey collar is something I've been wanting and that really caught my eye. Zipper was a little bent, but I fixed that. There is some minor moth damage on the knits, but not enough to need replacement any time soon. It fits the most trim of the jackets, but it's still wearable. I wouldn't have minded another half inch in length and and inch shorter on the arms, but neither is a deal breaker. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter View - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Second, the Martin Lane. The collar is darker on this, but looks & feels brand new. Fit is between the Star & Brill. The goatskin doesn't quite have the character of the Star, but that's from just difference in wear. It's pristine jacket in every way. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter Front - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Last up, the Brill. I'm guessing this has a dynel collar, but it doesn't look or feel appreciably worse than the other two. Definitely the most comfortable fit, being a 46 (which is probably my ideal size). I actually really like the patch now that I've seen it in person. I'm pretty sure the leather is of the steerhide variety, also in pristine shape and definitely not "bad" leather by any means. It only pales when compared to real goatskin. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter Front - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr
East Central Indiana
Never could understand why some think that military nametags..or even rank should be removed just because you aren't the original owner that it was issued to. Those patches are part of the history of the jacket along with the name. My best friend gave me his first issued G-1 jacket after he retired from the Navy shortly before he died. He had it patched up with various divisions and ships he served on as a sort of tribute jacket. I wear it as such in honor of a good friend and see nothing wrong with that. I would never remove his nametag or any patch on it.
1968 Martin Lane....

20180425_213444.jpg 20180425_213537.jpg

Why would anyone want to remove the service man's history..even if they didn't know him? My younger Brother wore my Army fatigue jacket with my nametag and Sgt. stripes for years after I returned. He wasn't parading around in full uniform trying to impersonate someone. I was happy that he cared to do so.
IMO..keep them on.
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draš katalenić

One of the Regulars
Zagreb, Croatia
I recently acquired a batch of G-1s from a seller on eBay: a size 44 Star Sportswear, a size 44 Martin Lane Co, and a size 46 Brill Bros Inc. They're all D models, so not super rare or anything, but they're all in great shape. I asked the seller for measurements, determined they would probably fit, and all three basically do. Considering they averaged out to $190ish per jacket, I think I scored a pretty good deal. After having limited success with the fit of reproduction jackets I'm thrilled to have a set of originals that actually fit!

They appear to have come from the collection of one Andy Andraska. All I know about him is what's on the name tag, assuming they are legit: He was an Aviation Fire Control Chief Petty Officer. No idea if he served with Attack Squadron 85, but he had the patch. I'm not sure what the "etiquette" is with name tags and such since these are my first jackets with them. Keep them on? Replace them with some sort of civilian name tag of my own? Would love people's input on that. Probably a bigger deal with a WWII-era jacket than late Vietnam-era jackets. If anyone can tell me more about these, I'm all ears. Based on the labels, I'm guessing the Lane is from '68, the Star is from '69, and the Brill is from '70?


First up, the Star. This is probably my favorite. The goatskin has a lot of character and looks just like the old jackets I saw on display on the USS Hornet. The honey collar is something I've been wanting and that really caught my eye. Zipper was a little bent, but I fixed that. There is some minor moth damage on the knits, but not enough to need replacement any time soon. It fits the most trim of the jackets, but it's still wearable. I wouldn't have minded another half inch in length and and inch shorter on the arms, but neither is a deal breaker. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter View - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Second, the Martin Lane. The collar is darker on this, but looks & feels brand new. Fit is between the Star & Brill. The goatskin doesn't quite have the character of the Star, but that's from just difference in wear. It's pristine jacket in every way. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter Front - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Last up, the Brill. I'm guessing this has a dynel collar, but it doesn't look or feel appreciably worse than the other two. Definitely the most comfortable fit, being a 46 (which is probably my ideal size). I actually really like the patch now that I've seen it in person. I'm pretty sure the leather is of the steerhide variety, also in pristine shape and definitely not "bad" leather by any means. It only pales when compared to real goatskin. Full album of fit & close-up pics is on Flickr.

Front Closed - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter Front - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr
Nice jackets and agree with other members about name tags and patches.


London, UK
I also tend to agree with the overall sentiments here on patches.I'm not sure I'd necessarily choose to have things like rank put on one I was getting made for me (that said, I'm giving serious thought to the idea of an A2 with a BPRD logo patch and possibly soem sort of Hellboy nametag)...

To me, it's a part of those jackets' history, and it would be an act of vandalism to remove them. I don't hold any truck with "Stolen valour" type laws either - so long as nobdy is posing as what they ain't to commit fraud, it' all fine with me. FWIW, of all the folks I've ever heard of who went out of their way to take offence at this sort of thing, I've yet to encounter anyone who actually served gonig that way about it.


New in Town
Eau Claire, WI
Thanks again to everyone on the patch feedback. Definitely keeping them as-is.

In what seems like a stroke of good luck/fortune, someone posted a size 46 Star Sportswear on eBay and I snapped that one up as well. It's also in fantastic shape, and appears to be of '68 vintage. I must say the size 46 is very comfortable at all times. The size 44 fits, but feels a bit restrictive when sitting, especially while driving. I get tunneling on the sleeves, but at this point, I'm just blaming that on my short arms. The body feels pretty much perfect in width and length.

Front - Closed Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Quarter - Fit
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

One thing I find odd and a bit off-putting about this one though is the collar. It's...uneven...mismatched...something. The mouton on the right size of the collar seems more worn and "clumpy", wereas the left side looks and feels brand new; much like the entire collar on the 44. I also measured the leather portion of the collar itself and it's a half inch shorter on the right side. Not sure what going on with that...it almost seems like it's made out of two mismatched pieces of mouton. Perhaps a repair job gone awry? I'm tempted to look into how much it would cost to just replace the whole thing so it matches. If anyone can point me in a direction on that, I'd appreciate it.

Mouton Collar
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

Back Collar
by Aaron Frost, on Flickr

As always, a full gallery of pictures is on Flickr.

El Marro

My Mail is Forwarded Here
I had the mouton collar replaced on two of my G-1 jackets and I used a trick that I picked up here on the lounge to source the mouton. Search for “mouton fur coat” on eBay and you will almost certainly find a number of available jackets in just the right shade of brown.
I was lucky and found an inexpensive one that had a couple bald spots but all in all the rest of the fur was in great shape and therefore it was able to serve as a donor jacket for the collars that I needed.
If you have a good tailor that you trust they should be able to handle this collar replacement pretty easily but I would talk to them first and make sure they are comfortable working on leather jackets.

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