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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.


I'll Lock Up
Alamo Heights ☀️ Texas
What is really bothering me at the moment is that i. Looking for a job and I can't even get my foot in the door. I kid you not, a local fast food place paying minimum wage wants 5 years experience and a 4 year college degree to work in the kitchen. Because I have neither they won't even consider me. Then ther is the fact that when I do find a job that I can do I have to get past the computer algorithm that screens my application for buzz words. And when you are applying for said job you have the option to upload a resume and then you still have to manually type in 90% of the information that is on your resume. I'm tempted to run for Congress just so I could get paid to do nothing.

When Lizzie starts her reign, there
won't be a need for politicians
or BFM. ;)
My mother's basement
Sounds like more than a trivial matter there, Batman.

Elevate your sights, I say. Put yourself into consideration for positions you might think you aren't qualified for, and probably won't get, but go for it anyway. Just find ways to make yourself stand out from the flock.


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
"Does your chewing gum lose
it's flavor on the bed post overnight?
If your mom says don't chew it
and you swallow it in spite!
Does your chewing lose it's
flavor on the bed post overnight?"
Do you know how I can tell that's from memory and not looked up on the internet? Because there's an omission in the verse, it should read:
Does your chewing gum lose its flavour
on the bedpost overnight?
If your mother says don't chew it,
Do you swallow it in spite?
Can you catch it on your tonsils,
Can you heave it left & right?
Does your chewing gum lose its flavour
on the bedpost overnight?
But I'm not trying to be pedantic, it is possible to have chewing gum litter free town centres. You only have to look at how Singapore dealt with the problem. There is a $700 fine for spitting out gum on the streets.
Years ago, in The UK, we had, not to put too finer point on it, a dogsh*t problem. Dog owners were shamed, pooper scoopers sold everywhere, suddenly dog owners are cleaning up after their pets. So if someone is capable of picking up stinky dogsh*t, surely it can't be that difficult to get them to wrap and dispose of gum in the litter bins, can it?


I'll Lock Up
Alamo Heights ☀️ Texas
Do you know how I can tell that's from memory and not looked up on the internet? Because there's an omission in the verse, it should read:
Does your chewing gum lose its flavour
on the bedpost overnight?
If your mother says don't chew it,
Do you swallow it in spite?
Can you catch it on your tonsils,
Can you heave it left & right?
Does your chewing gum lose its flavour
on the bedpost overnight?
But I'm not trying to be pedantic, it is possible to have chewing gum litter free town centres. You only have to look at how Singapore dealt with the problem. There is a $700 fine for spitting out gum on the streets.
Years ago, in The UK, we had, not to put too finer point on it, a dogsh*t problem. Dog owners were shamed, pooper scoopers sold everywhere, suddenly dog owners are cleaning up after their pets. So if someone is capable of picking up stinky dogsh*t, surely it can't be that difficult to get them to wrap and dispose of gum in the litter bins, can it?

I was being obtuse with the words
to that tune.
But thank you for pointing out the
missing lyrics.
Polo thinks you're pendantic on
occasions. I disagree! ;)
My mother's basement

But I'm not trying to be pedantic, it is possible to have chewing gum litter free town centres. You only have to look at how Singapore dealt with the problem. There is a $700 fine for spitting out gum on the streets.
Years ago, in The UK, we had, not to put too finer point on it, a dogsh*t problem. Dog owners were shamed, pooper scoopers sold everywhere, suddenly dog owners are cleaning up after their pets. So if someone is capable of picking up stinky dogsh*t, surely it can't be that difficult to get them to wrap and dispose of gum in the litter bins, can it?

Over here in the colonies it's a similar story. Stepping in dog poop was just a part of everyday life. Those little (and not so little) piles were pretty much everywhere you went. Dead dogs alongside the road, pets left to wander on their own (and to get hit by cars), were a frequent sight as well. As were kids with boxes full of puppies to give away at the supermarket parking lot on Saturday mornings.

Like smoking, and littering, our attitudes toward the proper care of pets have changed dramatically over my lifetime to date. And for the better, in my estimation.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I have stood on the sidewalk in front of the theatre and had dog owners walk right past me and allow their animals to deposit a great steaming lump right in front of the doors. And they just keep right on walking without a look back. I yell HEY YOU FORGOT SOMETHIN' but whatever they're listening to on their earphones is obviously more compelling than the mess they left behind them.

We have laws about this, but these people are obviously above those laws. I don't blame the dog for doing what dogs will do, but one of these days I'm going scoop that mess up in a shovel and I'm going to let it fly and splat the dog owner right in the back of the head.
My mother's basement

We have laws about this, but these people are obviously above those laws. I don't blame the dog for doing what dogs will do, but one of these days I'm going scoop that mess up in a shovel and I'm going to let it fly and splat the dog owner right in the back of the head.

I'd imagine there are laws about this most everywhere these days. But, unless the offense is committed in the presence of law-enforcement personnel, there is no real legal penalty for allowing it to happen.

I don't think we've gotten to the point with dog poop (and litter in general) as we have with indoor smoking. Just imagine what would happen in most American locales if a person lit up a smoke in a restaurant, say, or a supermarket. I suspect that the offender would get the stink eye and several choice words from his fellow patrons. Wouldn't need the law to put a stop to that, although it's good to have the law on one's side.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
Our new house doesn't have garbage pickup, unless you contract a local service. The town does provide a garbage truck once a week from 10am-11am, you can take your garbage then.

It also costs $25 to get rid of a tire, hence why I've found 16 tires on the property.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
There's a fee here that tire retailers charge for disposing of old tires. I believe it is required by state law. But, as I recall, it's like five bucks per tire.
Here they only accept tires if you buy a new set. Occasionally they have "free tire day" but I've never caught one... they wait a decade until they're afraid we are going to be a county known for its tire fires before they collect tires for 2 hours.


Call Me a Cab
The Great Pacific Northwest
Gum-chewing is one of those habits that just turns my stomach -- I have to hold back a retch when I scrape it off the bottom of seats -- so I'm all in favor of anything that can be done to make it less disgusting. Maybe they can devote some of this space-age hi-tech research into coming up with a gum base that will gradually dissolve as the chewer chews it, so that there is no repulsive gnawed-over cud to be thrown on the sidewalk or stuck to the fixtures.

Dear friends, we surely all agree
There's almost nothing worse to see
Than some repulsive little bum
Who's always chewing chewing gum.
(It's very near as bad as those
Who sit around and pick the nose).
So please believe us when we say
That chewing gum will never pay;
This sticky habit's bound to send
The chewer to a sticky end.
Did any of you ever know
A person called Miss Bigelow?
This dreadful woman saw no wrong
In chewing, chewing all day long.
She chewed while bathing in the tub,
She chewed while dancing at her club,
She chewed in church and on the bus;
It really was quite ludicrous!
And when she couldn't find her gum,
She'd chew up the linoleum,
Or anything that happened near–
A pair of boots, the postman's ear,
Or other people's underclothes,
And once she chewed her boy friend's nose.
She went on chewing till, at last,
Her chewing muscles grew so vast
That from her face her giant chin
Stuck out just like a violin.
For years and years she chewed away,
Consuming fifty packs a day,
Until one summer's eve, alas,
A horrid business came to pass.
Miss Bigelow went late to bed,
For half an hour she lay and read,
Chewing and chewing all the while
Like some great clockwork crocodile.
At last, she put her gum away
Upon a special little tray,
And settled back and went to sleep–
(She managed this by counting sheep).
But now, how strange! Although she slept,
Those massive jaws of hers still kept
On chewing, chewing through the night,
Even with nothing there to bite.
They were, you see, in such a groove
They positively had to move.
And very grim it was to hear
In pitchy darkness, loud and clear,
This sleeping woman's great big trap
Opening and shutting, snap–snap–snap!
Faster and faster, chop–chop–chop,
The noise went on, it wouldn't stop.
Until at last her jaws decide
To pause and open extra wide,
And with the most tremendous chew
They bit the lady's tongue in two.
Thereafter, just from chewing gum,
Miss Bigelow was always dumb,
And spent her life shut up in some
Disgusting sanatorium.
And that is why we'll try so hard
To save Miss Violet Beauregard
From suffering an equal fate.
She's still quite young. It's not too late,
Provided she survives the cure.
We hope she does. We can't be sure.

Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Southern California
Maybe it's different in Chicago, but in the places I've lived for the past several decades it's not unusual for shoppers to leave their carts in the parking spaces. I can see how the physically disabled might have little choice but to do that, but for the able-bodied it's just plain inconsiderate.
Here in southern California I've seen people walk farther to put their empty cart in the wrong place than they would have walked if they had put it in the right place. o_O
New York City
Our new house doesn't have garbage pickup, unless you contract a local service. The town does provide a garbage truck once a week from 10am-11am, you can take your garbage then.

It also costs $25 to get rid of a tire, hence why I've found 16 tires on the property.

So what have you done with the tires - just left them on the property I'm guessing?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Around here, it's common to use tires for landfill. There's a playground on my street that was built on the site of a neighborhood school that burned down in the sixties, and they filled in and built up the site with hundreds and hundreds of old tires. Now, the soil is eroding off due to the slope of the street, and the lot is pocked with tires poking up thru the surface. Kids never use that playground anymore, but if they did they could play a "bounce from tire to tire" game.


One Too Many
United States
Old tires are the most common breeding ground for mosquitoes. You'd think there would be regular free pickups to eliminate a public health hazard. Maybe a mass letter-writing (or emailing) campaign would help.
Here they only accept tires if you buy a new set. Occasionally they have "free tire day" but I've never caught one... they wait a decade until they're afraid we are going to be a county known for its tire fires before they collect tires for 2 hours.

I know you live in a rural area, but does anyone nearby sponsor a "household hazardous waste" day? We have several local businesses that do that at least once per year, and the county does it once per month.

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