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Are You a "Serious" Collector? The Categorization of Fedora Loungers.

Covina, Califonia 91722
You'd be surprised how "vintage" the view is that what people do in their own lives is their own business and it's not for anyone else to meddle or interfere. The most vintage value I myself was raised with was "keep your nose out of other people's business," unlike the modern view that "everything everybody does is everybody else's business, and it's your obligation to have an opinion on it."

I just heard a comedy routine where the proposal was that Facebook was introduced as a government plot to condition people to have no sense of privacy.
Covina, Califonia 91722
I collect some stuff
I look for vintage bold look ties
Fountain Pens
Milk bottles
this and that -

All I know is if I were to win the lottery I'd be able to indulge my love of old stuff to a much greater degree.

One lable Nazi - Purist the type that loves to de-value, make fun of and destroy the feelings of others with an interest in vintage etc. "Oh, you got the Goodwynn Brothers reproduction, those are terrible! The stiches per inch is all wrong, the color is from the wrong year! (Etc). I can't see how you could possibly appear in public wearing it!"


I’ll Lock Up.
Nice idea, although the 'need' part leaves me cold. I don't need to do anything, never mind choose a category.

However, in the interest of being interested, I will say if I fit into any of the categories, they would be Period-Specific General Living Enthusiasts, General Fashion Enthusiasts, and Character-Specific Fashion Enthusiasts.

I have to agree with what you say here, I think it would "suit" me exactly the same way. I have never "felt" that wearing a Fedora or any other hat, or dressing in Vintage from the time period of 1940 to 1960, makes me be in any form of "group". I myself basically like the look, think it is more "eye" candy than the crap (excuse the language here) that the fashion world has out there today. I like to look clean, neat, structured. Not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, I do not get into a "role" of being Indiana Jones, Elliot Ness, The Lone Ranger, or any other well known hat wearing person. I sort of think it is weird that some people do, but on the same token, if it makes them feel good, then go for it. Has to be better for a person to do that then to sit around doing things that may tend to be destructive in life.

I also understand that for some folks, to be 100 percent dead accurate with this tie, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, hat, all being the same year or so made, and all is important. Not going to happen with me. If I like a Versace tie with my Vintage suit, that is what I wear. I guess what I am trying to say, it really should be an "individual" choice and not forced upon anyone by group agenda, unless your group is the military and you have to wear a uniform, or for work related uniforms.

I do not study the names and dates of when things are made in the fashion or vintage world. I am not wanting to be an "expert", and that choice has nothing to do with why I am on the Lounge. My choice for being here is I see for the most part, some really interesting and kind souls, that like to share good quality life (even if only in words) on this site.

For anyone that had left the Lounge, I don't miss some of the more popular people that are, "gone"......due to their expertise, I will miss them because those individuals are really great people, fun to read what they post, and when reading what they post, you get a chance to see a chunk of their beauty as a person. The fact that they were amazingly talented to know the fashion of vintage and deco, was really just icing on the cake, so to speak.


I’ll Lock Up.
"Period-Specific General Living Full-Timers" I wear vintage clothing every day, surround myself with vintage items, but I still have to live in the real world.

I can't be totally immersed, I am on the internet after all, but I try my best.

Well stated there, (ditto for me, too)!


I’ll Lock Up.
I wonder what the Applegangers would think of my ten-year-old PowerBook, with its replaced hinges, its case held together by duct tape, and most of its paint missing? (I had no idea that "titanium" was just a futuristic word for "pot metal.")

My idea of a "PowerBook" seems to be Jurassic for some people,as I refer that label to the Bible, being a real "PowerBook" that I use. I do have some fancy phones, but honestly, more than half the "applications" on them, I have ZERO clue as to how to use them!


I’ll Lock Up.
Mens' Shoes from the 1920's thru the 1950's. I have neither the time, nor the funds, nor the Understanding Wife to expand my Vintage Interests beyond this. Luckily it is a subject with such a wide range of styles that it should keep me busy for the next 50 years or so... then I'll try something else.

From what pictures and posts you have shared with all of us here, you have a great collection of shoes, I would only wish to be lucky enough to find them in my size! I do have perhaps far more pairs of shoes then I would care to admit, maybe 6 pairs that are actually vintage (1948 to perhaps 1970) and the rest are newer. I always enjoy the pictures everyone posts of what they have, not just shoes or clothing, but vintage in general.


I'll Lock Up
Isle of Langerhan, NY
I remember when digital watches became popular, in the mid-to-late 1970s. I bought one because, in addition to being new, they were relatively cheap. One thing I noticed right away was that they kept perfect time. But I soon discovered that I very much missed a traditional analog face. Quartz movements fixed that problem, and put analog watches on the same par with digitals. Aside from a stop watch, I haven't used a digital watch in over 20 years.

But I still wear my 125 year old pocket watch, too. Something very satisfying about chaining it to me, winding it, and unscrewing the crystal and setting the time when necessary.

Regarding the Mac/PC debate, the kids' PCs were dropping like flies around here. They all wanted macs. And with variations, they all got them with their 'own' money. Occasionally I'll ask them why they're better than a (properly functioning) PC. And each time I get a answer that is either inconsequential or meaningless to me, from, 'it's cool,' to it's light and slim,' to 'it's got a camera built in' (PC have them now, too), to 'it's faster.'

That last one is the only one that could be worth something as a real reason, but you have to judge it for it's true value. Example: there is a series of cell phone carrier TV commercials running now about 4G vs 3G phone service where there's a couple of people with their 4G phones, who are anywhere from 17 to 36 seconds faster getting their information than the people with 3G phones, all presented, of course, in a fast and humorous fashion.

Are they for real? On average, half minute faster to download some piece of information? Is it really that important that someone go out and spend a another couple of hundred dollars to upgrade their phone and then more money every month for the service to support it? For a few seconds, based on a whole bunch of factors they don't tell you about that could affect the speed one way or another?

It's the same thing with the computers. How much faster is a Mac than a PC, when the drives and OSs are kept clean? A few seconds? Is this what people are getting all excited about?

Years ago, the main excuse, or reason, for getting a Mac was its artistic capabilities that PCs (what were known as IBM or IBM-clones before that) couldn't match. Today, the gap has narrowed, and most (not all) users don't have that excuse to fall back on.

It's brain-washing, my friends. Tell people what they 'must have,' and then they 'must have' it.
Portage, Wis.
These people just make me roll my eyes!

One lable Nazi - Purist the type that loves to de-value, make fun of and destroy the feelings of others with an interest in vintage etc. "Oh, you got the Goodwynn Brothers reproduction, those are terrible! The stiches per inch is all wrong, the color is from the wrong year! (Etc). I can't see how you could possibly appear in public wearing it!"

Amen to that one!

Another motto of mine: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'
Orange County, CA
One lable Nazi - Purist the type that loves to de-value, make fun of and destroy the feelings of others with an interest in vintage etc. "Oh, you got the Goodwynn Brothers reproduction, those are terrible! The stiches per inch is all wrong, the color is from the wrong year! (Etc). I can't see how you could possibly appear in public wearing it!"

No bespoke for you! :p


London, UK
I find it funnier folks here knocking Apple fan<peeps> when most here obsess over lots of things that others would laugh at!
This entire forum is based on it. Jackets, hair, hats, makeup, movies, etc etc.

Branding vs Product, though - two different things.

I just heard a comedy routine where the proposal was that Facebook was introduced as a government plot to condition people to have no sense of privacy.

lol Wouldn't surprise me. Echelon out in the open....

The Lonely Navigator

Practically Family
That's my ideal, too - the aesthetics of the past without needlessly cutting myself off from the conveniences of the present. I hear you on the landline front - I only still have one because it's still the cheapest way of having a decent web connection at home.

I use cable as the cost would be pretty much the same for me - but cable is better than dial-up.

The Lonely Navigator

Practically Family
When I was living by myself, my motto was 'the simpler, the better.' No land line because I barely need one phone, never mind two. I am fine with what is now considered to be an ancient picture-tubed 'box' TV. I don't need cable but I had basic service because network television is, for the most part, so bad. I had a simple, small car. The computer keeps me in touch with places like this, but it's an old one, two op-systems out of date, but it gets the job done. Basically, I don't need the latest and greatest anything.

I still try to keep things as simple as possible, but its tough with other people in the house who 'need' iphones, flat-screen TVs, macs (twice the price of comparable PCs), xboxes, and the like. There is talk here now of getting a kindle. Not my thing.

That's pretty much my attitude towards life as well. :)


I'll Lock Up
Copenhagen, Denmark.
I don't think I belong here at all. I don't dress vintage at all. I don't live vintage - at all.
I live and work in this century.
But I have an interest in Battle of Britain and the WWII period.
I collect books on that subject - primarily Battle of Britain. And I have a very small collection of RAF flying gear. Very small!
What does that make me? Normal? Boring?? :)


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Des Moines, IA, US
I don't think I belong here at all. I don't dress vintage at all. I don't live vintage - at all.
I live and work in this century.
But I have an interest in Battle of Britain and the WWII period.
I collect books on that subject - primarily Battle of Britain. And I have a very small collection of RAF flying gear. Very small!
What does that make me? Normal? Boring?? :)

Hahaha lol

No, I believe that makes you the single sane person in the asylum!
Covina, Califonia 91722
I can look at the concept of "period correct" and can understand there is a driving need for some to be completely, totally, 100% correct. Unfortunately it is not always possible. I have little luck with most vintage clothing items when earching the thrift stores. Perhaps my size is rare or perhaps those that wore my size were less likely to have their clothes wind up in a thrift store. Then there is the influence of budget, expense, time (wasted) and perceived value. I have some vintage fedoras and vintage ties for my wardrobe. Outside of that it becomes very tough to go vintage. I have some reproductions, these are from when I was in the money unlike now (still over 12% known unemployment in California).

I have some stuff that might loosely be called vintage inspired.

Should good fortune befall me - i believe i would make a more active pursuit of vintage and repros - most happily. However, I probably would not slip into an all consuming desire to be 100% accurate. It isa not something I obsess over. I'd rather have fun.

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