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Comments You Get When You Dress Vintage

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Puzzicato said:
Recently I have been getting "Oh, have you been dancing?". The first time I was wearing this Bettie Page dress, and it just so happened that I had just been to a dance class, but for a moment I couldn't figure out how they could tell I'd been bellydancing based on my dress! So now I have a totally unearned reputation for swing dancing.

I too have that dress..love it! As a side..I love most of the BP line of dresses, they fit great! Just bought four on ebay super cheap as they were from an older line.

And..I also belly dance! :)


Miss Scarlet

One of the Regulars
Tring, Hertfordshire
Ooo something I've also had a lot of lately is men offering to do things, holding doors open, male staff treating you better than other women around (i.e. pushing you up the queue) and other such considerate things that didn't happen before I dressed like this. I suppose dressing like a lady gets you treated like a lady.

I find the mentality behind this fascinating, especially exactly why men will be more courteous. I honestly think many men prefer a lady to be a lady and graciously accept polite behaviour rather than spouting some hardcore feminist gabble such as "Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't open the door" (as I heard the other day whilst out shopping). :confused:


One of the Regulars
South Carolina
Miss Scarlet said:
I find the mentality behind this fascinating, especially exactly why men will be more courteous. I honestly think many men prefer a lady to be a lady and graciously accept polite behaviour rather than spouting some hardcore feminist gabble such as "Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't open the door" (as I heard the other day whilst out shopping). :confused:
Yeah, why not be courteous to others regardless of gender, & open the doors for THEM rather than put down what they might do for you? I've always opened doors for everyone, men, women, elderly, teens. I find that guys tend to demur & say 'go on in', while some women seem surprised, but no one has ever said, 'let me open that door myself!!' Feminism doesn't and shouldn't mean etiquette like opening doors needs to be thrown out totally!

I haven't worn vintage recently, but have gotten nice comments on several of my handmade garments, including a vintage-inspired sundress. People routinely ask whether I made something now. :)


London, UK
Referring to my current Facebook avatar, one poster today said I looked "like an elegant, Roraring Twenties sex criminal." Which did make me lol.


One Too Many
Ex-pat Ozzie in Greater London, UK
Black Dahlia said:
I too have that dress..love it! As a side..I love most of the BP line of dresses, they fit great! Just bought four on ebay super cheap as they were from an older line.

And..I also belly dance! :)


lol There are a few dancers on here!

The dress in your avatar is a BP one, isn't it? I've got my eyes on a few of them!


One Too Many
At a car boot sale on Sunday me and Fleur and another friend got asked if we were "in a show". I was so tempted to say "Well yes. Yes we are. We just thought we'd stay in costume for a sunday morning in a car park looking at chipped crockery and knock-off DVDs for 50p..." Idiots!

And just for the record, I am a "hardcore feminist" and I'm quite happy to hold the door for others AND have it held for me. Whoever gets to the door first should hold it open for whoever comes next - gender doesn't come into it.

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Puzzicato said:
lol There are a few dancers on here!

The dress in your avatar is a BP one, isn't it? I've got my eyes on a few of them!

I love belly dancing, but haven't done it in a while. I use to do it all the time, for four years straight. Must find a new course around here!

I just changed my avatar, but the answer is yes. The last pic was me in the 'Captain Flare' dress, in this pic I'm wearing a BP dress too..forget the name. I have about nine BP dresses thus far..;0

Retro Chick

New in Town
Norwich, UK
I don't get many comments in the street, and mostly people are very nice and enthusiastic when I'm out.

I have been asked at a couple of events recently if I've "dressed up specially" and they look really embarrassed when I say that I pretty much always dress like this.

I went to a beginners Lindy Hop class recently and we were made to switch partners and someone told me I "looked like I should be good at this" which made me feel a little under pressure!


One Too Many
Retro Chick said:
.I went to a beginners Lindy Hop class recently and we were made to switch partners and someone told me I "looked like I should be good at this" which made me feel a little under pressure!

This ALWAYS happens whenever I go to a dance class (I only ever seem to do one and then don't go again for a year). It makes me feel a bit awkward.


One of the Regulars
Wellington,New Zealand
I found out last week that I now get comments if i DONT dress vintage!
To the point where I swore last week I would never go to work without my hair "done", as I was lazy one day and almost every single person I came across who knows me commented on how my hair wasnt the same and I wasnt dressed to my usual standard!
It was hilarious!
Trouble is now i feel I have to live up to the image I have created! Oh the pressure!!

Miss Scarlet

One of the Regulars
Tring, Hertfordshire
MissHannah said:
And just for the record, I am a "hardcore feminist" and I'm quite happy to hold the door for others AND have it held for me. Whoever gets to the door first should hold it open for whoever comes next - gender doesn't come into it.

I completely agree with you, good manners is good manners regardless of gender. I'd just like to clarify that I term hardcore feminists as those women who think they're better than men...the extreme extreme end of the scale. Sorry I should be more clear. It seems that across the board the usual computer led miscommunications are causing misunderstandings, massive argument on tipping in another thread. Anyway I've rambled again...


One Too Many
Portland, Oregon
The other day I got off the bus from work and I was walking home and a guy (typical young guy in his 20's/30's who is usually unkempt looking) who lives down the street and also who's house I walk by every day said over the years I have seen you walk by here (I have only lived there one year but it does feel like forever) you always look so elegant and he shook his head and smiled and said again so elegant (like he was at a loss for words). I smiled real big and said thank you, I try my hardest, thank you so much. It was nice that he had noticed but it made me wonder if he was really just curious and was hoping I would open up with some info such as where I go and what I do because I live in a strange place just on the outskirts of Portland and I am sure I must be a curiosity in the land of torn, worn jeans, flip flops, baggy pants, cargo shorts with white tennis shoes, old rock concert T's with pj bottoms and slippers...you name it if it is bad it is here.

Fleur De Guerre

Call Me a Cab
Walton on Thames, UK
I had a funny one yesterday... in Marks and Spencer and a little boy in a trolley behind me in the queue said something to his mother,

Boy (quietly): "Mum, that lady looks [mumble]."
Mum: "Sorry?"
A few more mumbles and 'pardon?'s
Boy (loudly): "That lady looks like a stepmother!"

Eh? Does he mean an evil stepmother? lol for the record I was wearing a brown gingham sundress with ruffly/pinafore type straps, and I had my hair done with a centre parting, flat twists on either side and the back rolled up with a rat. I'd have me as a stepmother! ;) lol

Miss Scarlet

One of the Regulars
Tring, Hertfordshire
I'm pretty sure that's similar to the hairstyle of the stepmother in Disney's Cinderella (major Disney geek here). Maybe that was why. Personally I would take that as a compliment because she is rather elegant.

Fleur De Guerre

Call Me a Cab
Walton on Thames, UK
Ah yes!!


Mine was much flatter on top, but I can totally see why the kid thought that! Thanks Miss Scarlet for solving that mystery!


One Too Many
Miss Scarlet said:
I completely agree with you, good manners is good manners regardless of gender. I'd just like to clarify that I term hardcore feminists as those women who think they're better than men...the extreme extreme end of the scale. Sorry I should be more clear. It seems that across the board the usual computer led miscommunications are causing misunderstandings, massive argument on tipping in another thread. Anyway I've rambled again...

No problem Miss S - hope I didn't sound too chippy in my response!

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
I got fitted for a bra a couple days ago and the lady who was measuring me started off by saying she loved my dress (a 30s number I had made!)

Then she said "this reminds me of something from Betty and Veronica!" lol I don't know if she caught a glimpse of my Archie tattoo or not, but it was a cute compliment.

Then she went to measure me and said "I can't concentrate on this because I'm too busy looking at your dress!"

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Amy Jeanne said:
I got fitted for a bra a couple days ago and the lady who was measuring me started off by saying she loved my dress (a 30s number I had made!)

Then she said "this reminds me of something from Betty and Veronica!" lol I don't know if she caught a glimpse of my Archie tattoo or not, but it was a cute compliment.

Then she went to measure me and said "I can't concentrate on this because I'm too busy looking at your dress!"

That is really cute! I love Archie comics..40s and 50s Betty & Veronica are fashion icons to me!

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
I love Betty! I want more tattoos of her. She is one of my heroines.

And just now when I went to get me some lunch: "I just want to tell you that I love your style!" - guy that works in the cafeteria!


Practically Family
Houston, Texas
So.. I'm pretty peeved...

I had a job interview on Thursday.

I didn't go all out, but I wore my dark purple suit dress since I was told the company was a little more relaxed, a pair of basic black pumps, plain stockings, small diamond stud earrings and my wedding ring. Conservative make-up and conservative hair. Sounds good, yes?

Well, I get there and obviously, I don't fit. Relaxed? The office manager that interviews me is wearing flip flops and an oversized sweatshirt (yes, SWEATSHIRT!). Regardless, I didn't feel comfortable, and though I normally interview well, subconsciously I had already made my mind up that I couldn't work there. I didn't get it. I'm not surprised.

What I'm peeved about is my mother-in-law, who is normally very supportive (or at least seems to be) texting my husband, asking about the interview. He tells her I didn't get it because I didn't fit right in the company, and she immediately texts back asking what I wore. "Her purple suit dress." "She's going to have to be more professional if people are going to take her seriously for a position!" No other questions. Just immediately jumps to the conclusion that I dressed abnormal from the rest of the world and that is what prevented me from getting this job. :mad:

She said something else but he didn't bother reading it or responding. Said something not very nice about her and told me that he thought I was dressed perfectly and he wouldn't have wanted me working for a place that made me that uncomfortable to be myself. *sigh*

I think not working is taking its toll on me mentally. I would normally brush off such comments, but it really stung.

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