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Comments You Get When You Dress Vintage


New in Town
Such a fantastic dress, crazydaisy! Did you sew or find it?

"Where are you going?" it's the only comment (other than compliments occasionally, which is pretty cool) that we seem to get....


Familiar Face
utica ny
I do not often get face to face comments. It is often after the fact of someone saying "my cousin saw you the other day and said you looked perfect 50's or close to that. I very often get the are you in a play or why are you so dressed up. The best recently was an older gentleman outside a bar when we were on vacation "you look so fifties", Me, "well because it is all 50's" Him, "Then girl you got it perfect". My boyfriend and I sat with him to have drinks because of it, and he was an old jazz player so it just made our night.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
The best recently was an older gentleman outside a bar when we were on vacation "you look so fifties", Me, "well because it is all 50's" Him, "Then girl you got it perfect". My boyfriend and I sat with him to have drinks because of it, and he was an old jazz player so it just made our night.

That is so cute! <Waves to an almost neighbor- Syracuse to Utica.>

Miss sofia

One Too Many
East sussex, England
Yesterday we had a coffee morning for Macmilan cancer care at work. I was serving the tea, so i just wore a forties style blue shirtwaister and a pinny and had flower in my hair. A nice old gent who came for coffee said he liked my outfit and asked me if i dressed like that all the time. I replied i did and he said it was a shame more young ladies didn't dress like this more often. So, lovely comment so far, then it all went to pot when i nipped out to get some more supplies. On the way up the road to the deli, three young guys on the opposite side of the road said something really rude which i won't repeat, coupled with some animal noises to finish off the abuse. I just glared and managed to come out with" You want to pull your trousers up and learn some manners before you start having a pop at me!" (They were wearing the obligatory 'yoof' uniform of trouser crutch down by the knees). Nothing further was said and i just went about my business, but felt a bit horrid. (a cuppa and a scone with clotted cream and jam revived me later on, so all was well).

"Who are these people??" I say this on a regular basis to myself and to my boss (in my best Lady Bracknell voice) after we have gotten rid of any potentially tricky customers, it's out new saying du jour and seems to relieve the tension!


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
"Who are these people??" I say this on a regular basis to myself and to my boss (in my best Lady Bracknell voice) after we have gotten rid of any potentially tricky customers, it's out new saying du jour and seems to relieve the tension!

I'm sorry that those boys needed to be juvenile twats, I hate certain language directed towards women and I can imagine what they said to you. Mean little jerks. At least you had a comeback, I probably would've just stared at them without being able to think of anything.

But on the bright side it's always nice to get the good comments on the days you get the bad ones, isn't it? It is nice that you have your boss to talk about these things too.

Miss sofia

One Too Many
East sussex, England
You are right, i find it deeply sad that these young men display such misogynistic behaviour towards women, let alone how they treat their own species.

I am lucky i have my boss, you're right, and of course a nice compliment balances it out. I don't pay much heed really. Any personal, negative comments are just temporarily hurtful. My boss has a severe facial disfigurement and has had to cope with all kinds of crap her whole life, so she keeps me well grounded and basically compared to her i have nothing to moan about really.


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
You are right, i find it deeply sad that these young men display such misogynistic behaviour towards women, let alone how they treat their own species.

Which is how you should feel - deeply, deeply sad. They're just two-bit punks in clothes that don't fit. I've had it before too, I just smiled and said "Well, you're certainly going far in life!"

I think it's sweet that you made an elderly gentleman happy to see you. That far outshines the little clever-clogs. :)


Familiar Face
utica ny
Next time I am in cuse which I am often we should get together. I go there for vintage shopping several times a year. I am sure you get a lot of the nasty comments too, this area isn't great about the whole retro vintage thing for sure!


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
Next time I am in cuse which I am often we should get together. I go there for vintage shopping several times a year. I am sure you get a lot of the nasty comments too, this area isn't great about the whole retro vintage thing for sure!

I would love that. :D I don't even think most people know what I wear is "vintage-y," just that I look weird, and they are happy to tell me so (sometimes in not so nice of a way). Occasionally I get really nice comments. I commute by bus, so you can imagine. lol

Miss sofia

One Too Many
East sussex, England
I thought chavs were more of an urban affliction over there.

I live in a popular, seaside, tourist town, so we get bombarded with all kinds of people at weekends and during the holiday season.

I try not to judge a book by it's cover, this whole 'chav' phenomenon has got blown way out of proportion over here, i just think alot of young people today are rather rude and ill-mannered regardless of social status.

I was waiting for a train the other day and two kids, (lots of sportswear and bling, so a bit chav maybe), actually apologised to me because one of them was using some fruity language, sat right next to me. So you never can tell!


Louise Anne

Yorkshire ,UK
There will always be rude people in any society, I can forgive them as they do not know any better and they just go throught life like that.

I joined here in 2006 when vintage was not as popular compared with today, I found that the most rude commentst to me have come from the people who have jumped onto this vintage band waggon, I have no idea why they suddenly found vintage maybe just becuse it's fashionable at this time and as a fashion fad to follow as they say they like and wear vintage.
I am not sure how committed they really are to vintage becuse they do not wear vintage all the time only when it suits them .
These could be the same sort of people who pass negative comments to you about your vintage, becuse you are the sort of person they are trying to aspire to be and they dare not wear vintage when walking down the street or at work every day like a lot or most of the ladies do.

One lady did say to me years ago that she likes vintage but would not wear it out socially with her freinds becuse they make fun about her style, so I think it's all about the fact that I dare wear vintage seen on the internet and modern fashions more in public and she does not dare to wear vintage in public and thus is limmited and I think that explains a lot about off hand comments people receive from other ladies about vintage.

I think that that explains why you ( the ladies here ) do also get negative get comments about your style with vintage becuse you dare ware, it been yourself and clearly proud of it, and these ladies saying it might like vintage but do not dare to wear it and they see you wearing it when they with modern attire and have to say something rude about it to you.

If your are into vintage then this place is hard to beat, strangly the ladies I am refering to have never joined here so I think that almost proves my point in a way.
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One Too Many
Hampshire, UK
I went to have my hair cut last Friday and my hairdresser and I were talking about colours etc., and he said "Don't take it the wrong way, but you have a really distinctive look. You look like you stepped right out of the 50s." It makes me so happy when people get the era right as well!
A few days before I was walking past a pub and a man in 50s style himself was standing outside smoking. He muttered something as I went past, so I looked at him questioningly, and he pointed at me and stammered that I looked beautiful. It made my day.

Miss sofia

One Too Many
East sussex, England
What lovely compliments! And yes, your right, it's always so nice and refreshing, when people get the era right.

(I'm not surprised at all the fifties cat thought you were beautiful, you probably made his year strolling past)!

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
I got my hair cut recently and another hairdresser in the salon came up to me whilst I was getting my hair done and said 'you're really pretty...very vintage looking.' Twas nice!

I directed my hairdresser to give me a middy, which she did. When done she said 'I love it. So soft looking, so you!'

Drappa, your compliment was great. He even stammered. So cute!


Practically Family
Sunshine State
I got a funny one last night, working an event. We use vintage suitcases to hold the cigar show gear, that way they do double duty as cases and display. I'm at a high-end resort, waiting for valet to bring my car around at the end of the night, and, as is my habit, I am sitting on my biggest suitcase. Hair is cute, makeup is wearing off but still vintage, and I'm in classic, vintage inspired clothing. I see a group of younger people across the porte cochere, I would think of them as the rock and roll set, sneaking glances and smiling, so I send back a dazzling smile of my own. One of the men asks, "You really travel with those? That is so cool, even your suitcases look like they are from the 40s." I explained to him that they are my event gear, but thanks for the kind words!

We ended up talking about antiques, luggage and clothing until my car came around, and I was jokingly chided for not driving something more fitting for me (I was driving our Saab sedan last night) :)


One of the Regulars
I've had some really nice things said to me about my clothes, but I had a less-happy experience today. Not awful or anything, just a bit unsettling.

So today I'd just set my hair, done my make-up, put on an outfit I like.... rainy and windy outside, so London Fog mac, tan leather gloves, headscarf to stop my hair falling apart. I thought I looked pretty chic and nice, but people kept STARING at me on my way to university. I mean properly, what's-wrong-with you staring at me! I couldn't work out what it was - I checked my face and teeth for lipstick, I've not got horrible ladders in my stockings have I?? Nope, nope, nope... and I realised that it must just be the way I was dressed. I mean, I don't mind other people not liking my clothes, but it was just so HOSTILE and it was literally about twenty people in a half-hour journey. :( Have any of you ladies ever had an experience like this?

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