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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.


A-List Customer
The Hills of the Chankly Bore
Truck Nutz

vancouver, canada
My great friend, the recently departed Dennis Francis McGuire, would have found a soulmate in your Mr. O'Donnell. He wouldn't touch what he called "Protestant whiskey," meaning the swill made in the North.

I won't live long enough to stop missing him.
My great uncle, lost his eyesight in WWll, an ardent Orangeman, walked into a government liquor store (the kind that you wrote your choice on a slip of paper and a clerk behind a counter would fetch the said bottle for you. Now the visual is my uncle walking in, tapping his white cane on the floor handing the slip to the clerk and the clerk reaching up and to his right, wrapping his hand around a bottle of Irish Whiskey. My blind uncle, able to see shadows, knew up and to the right was where the Jameson's is stocked, but my uncle as I stated a true blood Orangeman, barked to the clerk. "Not that fecking Papist Whiskey, get me the bloody Bushmills!" Well apparently the clerk almost dropped the Jamesons startled as he was by a blind man barking directions his way. Me a true son of Ulster will drink any bloody whiskey offered to me.....I truly do not discriminate!


I'll Lock Up
Woke up at 3:00 this morning with a severe allergy attack. Finally got back to bed after being well medicated, at 5:30. Man, Sunday morning is noisy! Leaf blowers, not sure what leaves they were blowing? Gas powered lawn rake, construction. Plus I live down from a church, they go to church driving like little old ladies, then they leave like it was the Indy 500! Johnny Cash's Sunday Morning Coming Down kept running through my mind. :(
Kale. The word "superfoods," people who think the word organic on something suddenly makes it better. Keep in mind that the government does not regulate the word organic. Also lead, arsenic, & hemlock are all organic, too.

Kale is just a fancy term for collard greens. And lead, arsenic or other metals are not organic. They may be naturally occurring, however.
Orange County, CA
Woke up at 3:00 this morning with a severe allergy attack. Finally got back to bed after being well medicated, at 5:30. Man, Sunday morning is noisy! Leaf blowers, not sure what leaves they were blowing? Gas powered lawn rake, construction. Plus I live down from a church, they go to church driving like little old ladies, then they leave like it was the Indy 500! Johnny Cash's Sunday Morning Coming Down kept running through my mind. :(

For me it's when school lets out because traffic in my neighborhood is horrendous from all the parents picking up their kids.
Not really ticking me off, it's more funny.

The youngster before me at the supermarket checkstand bought probably his evening dinner. One can of beer and one package Wiener sausages. :rolleyes::D


One Too Many
United States
This is why I've never understood people who maintain that vegetarianism is healthy and meat is bad for you. I learned in Army survival training that humans can eat any part of any mammal except the liver of polar bear or banded seal, which can have poisonous concentrations of vitamin A. Of course, you have to avoid the poison glands of venomous snakes but you can eat the rest, likewise with most fish. Insects can be the most nutritious of all.

By way of contrast, the vast majority of the plant kingdom can't be eaten by humans and very, very many plants and fungi will damn well kill you. Most of the poisons are of plant origin. We can eat only a very narrow range of vegetables and fruits and some of those took a lot of selective breeding to make them desirable foods. So what's so healthy about eating plants?
Southern California
Yes, I go to great pains to avoid school starts and finishes and the attendant rush hour in my very suburban neighbourhood. It is madness. Apparently kids don't walk to school anymore!
Yesterday afternoon my wife and I were out running errands, and as we passed a local elementary school she asked, "How did you get to school?" She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was bused to school, so she was surprised when I responded, "I walked." The elementary school I attended was only 1/2 mile from our house, the junior high/middle school was only 1 mile away, and the high school was 2 miles away. Fortunately, I was able to take advantage of a wonderful short cut--railroad tracks that ran right next to our house and bypassed all three schools I attended. Occasionally I would use public transportation if it was raining--the local bus route also went right past our house and bypassed two of the three schools--but otherwise I was never driven to school until I got my own car and drove myself. Kids today are wimps. :D
My mother's basement
Yesterday afternoon my wife and I were out running errands, and as we passed a local elementary school she asked, "How did you get to school?" She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was bused to school, so she was surprised when I responded, "I walked." The elementary school I attended was only 1/2 mile from our house, the junior high/middle school was only 1 mile away, and the high school was 2 miles away. Fortunately, I was able to take advantage of a wonderful short cut--railroad tracks that ran right next to our house and bypassed all three schools I attended. Occasionally I would use public transportation if it was raining--the local bus route also went right past our house and bypassed two of the three schools--but otherwise I was never driven to school until I got my own car and drove myself. Kids today are wimps. :D

I, too, am left shaking my head at kids getting chauffeured to and from their reasonably nearby schools. In relatively "unchilded" Seattle it wasn't quite so conspicuous, but here in greater Denver the levels of car traffic is noticeably higher when school is in session. And parking gets scarce around the schoolhouses ahead of the bell on account of the lineups of moms and dads and nannies and god knows who all else upon whom falls the duty of transporting the little buzzards home.
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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I wouldn't blame the kids as much as I'd blame the lawyers -- in an increasing number of districts kids are prohibited from walking to school due to liability concerns.

According to the "mommy bloggers" the consensus nowadays is that a kid is not capable of crossing the street alone until they're ten years old. I obviously was raised by barbarians, because I was walking into town by myself whenever I wanted to, crossing US 1 at will, when I was five years old.


One Too Many
Hurricane Coast Florida
Kale. The word "superfoods," people who think the word organic on something suddenly makes it better. Keep in mind that the government does not regulate the word organic. Also lead, arsenic, & hemlock are all organic, too.
Comes now the pedant. Arsenic and lead are not organic, but are minerals. You will find them on your handy periodic table of the elements at positions 33 and 82, respectively.
Southern California
I wouldn't blame the kids as much as I'd blame the lawyers -- in an increasing number of districts kids are prohibited from walking to school due to liability concerns.

According to the "mommy bloggers" the consensus nowadays is that a kid is not capable of crossing the street alone until they're ten years old. I obviously was raised by barbarians, because I was walking into town by myself whenever I wanted to, crossing US 1 at will, when I was five years old.
Examined under the microscope of modern standards, apparently it's a miracle we all survived our childhoods. :rolleyes:


I'll Lock Up
My mother would have been in jail from day one. My childhood car seat was a cardboard box.
We would stand up on the back seat and look out the rear window. Still have a vivid memory of seeing my first BMW motorcycle with it's weird cylinders jutting out of both sides!

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