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Forbidden items in my home...

Keep America Beautiful


Don't Wear Crocs

Crocs bring tears of loathing to just about everyone's eyes.


Geez, what child thing will adults cotton to next?!
Oh no! I had to ask.:doh: :

All he needs are Satan horns. :eeek::eusa_doh: Obviously these are forbidden as well. :rolleyes::eusa_doh:
There is nothing I would want to do in pair of crocs but get them off before they cause feet ick:

Crocs don't cause feet ick, not washing your feet does. Crocs result in far, far less sweaty, itchy, scratchy, stinky feet than do most shoes. But if you don't wash your feet, they're going to get nasty, irrespective of your choice of footwear.
Riiiiggghhhttt.... Crocs let all the dust and dirt in. My boots sure don't. :rofl:

They also let the moisture out, which is why they are well suited for situations where your feet will be submerged. Again, Crocs aren't for every occasion. But then, neither are pointy toed cowboy boots. Either way, it's important to wash yourself every so often.
They also let the moisture out, which is why they are well suited for situations where your feet will be submerged. Again, Crocs aren't for every occasion. But then, neither are pointy toed cowboy boots. Either way, it's important to wash yourself every so often.

They let what moisture out? The stuff that got in in the first place when your feet were sweating like in a plastic sauna. lol lol If my feet are submerged I would want to use my surfing water socks. They at least keep leaches and crap out. lol lol lol
They let what moisture out? The stuff that got in in the first place when your feet were sweating like in a plastic sauna. lol lol If my feet are submerged I would want to use my surfing water socks. They at least keep leaches and crap out. lol lol lol

Holy sweet cherry pie! And you call Crocs ugly???

And your feet don't sweat in Crocs. That's the point.
There are doofuses who wear all sorts of things where they shouldn't...there are doofuses who'll wear a Hawaiian shirt to a funeral...that doesn't mean I have some character flaw if I wear one to the beach.

Fine. Wear a Hawaiian shirt to the beach. That actually makes sense. But then you have these doofuses:


Good idea there dude wearing the trip and fall shoes while holding a baby. :rolleyes:


I'll Lock Up
Gopher Prairie, MI
I'd not wear Crocs, myself, for I find them to be repellant, but I would never presume to criticize another's choice in footwear at least so long as the footwear in question covered the feet. I'm sure that folks who like these Crocs or (heaven forfend!) Bath Thongs find my preferred kid boots to be more than a little ridiculous, and these folks are doubtless quite as unconvinced of the great comfort of my old-fashion high shoes as I might be of their modernistic rubber blobs.

I'd really prefer that guests in my home not wear rubber-soled shoes, which are rather hard on century-old carpets, but would shudder at the thought of actually asking a guest to remove their shoes.
I'd not wear Crocs, myself, for I find them to be repellant, but I would never presume to criticize another's choice in footwear at least so long as the footwear in question covered the feet. I'm sure that folks who like these Crocs or (heaven forfend!) Bath Thongs find my preferred kid boots to be more than a little ridiculous, and these folks are doubtless quite as unconvinced of the great comfort of my old-fashion high shoes as I might be of their modernistic rubber blobs.

I'd really prefer that guests in my home not wear rubber-soled shoes, which are rather hard on century-old carpets, but would shudder at the thought of actually asking a guest to remove their shoes.

Oh geez! Rubber shoes on antique carpeting! I would make them take the hideous carpet eaters off. :p

I have a pair of kid boots as well. :p

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