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Are there ladies present who have non-retro bf's, husbands?


New in Town
Alsace, France
*martini*time* said:
My boyfriend and I met when I was in my "who am I really" phase. Since we've been together, i've developed more of my 50's sense. I have always loved vintage and retro stuff, but it's now gone further then just clocks and pictures of Marilyn. Its progressed to curler sets, high waisted jeans and shockingly red lips. He was just a standard army guy, with the standard army haircut and jeans and t-shirt outlook, until we went shopping to one of my favorite rockabilly stores. HE WENT NUTS! Shirts, and jeans, and shoes and pomade...i don't even recognize him anymore! He looks great! We've started living together and we've even started collecting vintage things for the house. He loves old movie posters and so do i! We had to compromise on somethings, and negotiate on others. But so far so good!
Here we are at my birthday. His hair is longer in the front now and is in the process of growing into a sweet pomp. He's my dreamboat <3


(I'm taller then him too, but he LOVES when i wear heels...;) )
He is very a very nice guy :)

Miss Caroline

Familiar Face
my boyfriend is into vintage... but not as much as I am. He has a few pieces, but he's more of a rockabilly. He has vintage hair and I bought him a hat for his birthday which he has barely taken off. :D hee!
I think it's alot easier for girls to get away with dressing vintage than men, so my boy shy's away from the suited and booted look, but is continually in 501's and black converse.

That's just clothing though.. thankfully he's already said that when we have children he wants me to stay at home. WHICH IS GREAT. but obviously in this day and age it can be impossible to survive on one income. What I'd give to live the life of a 50's housewife?! - (with modern appliances lol )


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
My fiancé has seen me through a few phases - When we met, I was a surly, hardcore chick with extensions, skinny jeans, and killer heels. Kind of a female James Dean.


Gonna mess with me?

I think the feeling of security he gives me made it easy for me to go totally vintage. He's a soldier, so when he's in combats I can dress in wartime outfits and it looks great! Other than that he's a T-shirt and jeans kind of guy. No fuss. I can't put him in a pompadour with a shaved head, either...
But he thinks I'm cute no matter what I look like. I'm lucky to have him :eek:


One of the Regulars
the south
I'm fairly new to the dressing retro (inspired) myself, but my girlfriend's been nice about it so far =). I don't suppose i would have felt comfortable enough to make such changes in my own style without her! On the other hand, i can't imagine her being very interested in dressing vintage herself.

But the clothing and looks aspect of it isn't the most important to me anyhow; i'm more into the throwback lifestyle stuff. And there we do mesh quite well. We have certainly talked a lot about how great it would be for me to be a housewife. It's not particularly feasible at the moment, but we're pretty much on the same page about it.

Now, if only i could get her to dance with me!!


One of the Regulars
Brooklyn, NY
What an interesting discussion.

I have been into retro styles for as long as I can remember much to the frustration of my boyfriend. He loves Banana Republic, Express and the like. He's very much into neutrals and black.

When we first started dating and we'd go shopping, I would hold up some sort of patterned colorful garment and gush over it. His response was "Why can't it be just one color?" But that was about 8 years ago and I think he's realized that my tatstes aren't just going to miraculously change. Now he sees things in stores and points them out to me because he thinks I would like them.


One of the Regulars
Boston to Charleston
I go in and out of my phases, but I always come back to retro. My boyfriend saw it for the first time and noticed right away! (This coming from a guy who didn't even notice when I put 18" hair extensions in one night!) The next day he asked me to do the retro look again. I love wearing it and he loves seeing it! :)


One of the Regulars
I loved reading this thread!

My husband is strange in the fact that he likes SOME vintage but not all. He also loves Renaissance styles as well. He's not crazy about vintage lingerie, but likes some of my vintage dresses. HATES red lipstick, loves curly hair. He's a total contradiction.

I don't do vintage every day (although my collection has grown considerably) but a facet of it is in just about all of my clothing. He accepts that part. As for him doing a vintage look? He does like the silk bowling look shirt and the look of a zoot suit, but not for every day.

He would LOVE it if I would cook and clean and be Ms. Suzy Homemaker, but that's just not me. I work full time and then get home and work out most days. He is home before me and will cook occasionally. I do love to bake and he knows I'll keep him full of baked goods if he just asks. The cleaning---well I just hate it and he is a bit OCD and seems to enjoy it! So I'm all for that! ;)

I do agree with those who said you can't change him---it's true. I was always into vintage but it's only in the last few years where I have begun to really collect (furniture, clothing, hair, makeup, etc) and he's been cool with it. Hey--I'm cool with his Star Wars and LARP fascination!


New in Town
United States
fiance's feelings

My fiance loves the idea of vintage/retro outfits. Every time I show him stuff online he can't wait until I can buy some of it! The other day I was looking on Ebay and he actually said, "When are you going to look for me?" On the other hand, he's really against me looking "costum-y". The first time I did my hair in pincurls, he hated it but the last time I did it, I got this amazing Veronica Lake look going on... he said it's growing on him :eusa_doh:
We are the definition of opposites attract, lol. He loves everything from death metal, to hip hop to new wave ::shudder:: I'm a whole lot more mainstreamed (classic rock, country, etc). He has slowly stopped dressing in really baggy jeans and has even been known to don an argyle sweater :rolleyes: BUT, he still wears these god awful fitted hats (the cocked, flat brim ones). He's a sports fanatic, I'm as athletic as a turnip. You get the picture, haha.
The one thing we've always agreed upon, is our vision for the future: we want a house and kids, a dog, the whole nine yards (sick, I know). I've always wanted to be a homemaker and stay at home mom and he's very supportive about it. Ironically I'm the one working full time now while he's a just graduated, out of job guy... go figure.
Marzipan, we've sort of strayed from your original issue: I think that it's not so much that you're vintage, I think it's that you're throwing him into a type of lifestyle he's never considered and has had very little time to get used to... like everyone else has said, compromise is key and best of luck with your experiment!

Grant Fan

Practically Family
My boyfreind isn't retro at all. He was very much not retro when we first met. But since he is a Naval officer when we get dresses up it looks vintage because I dress that way and uniforms look that way. But since he has been around me I am starting to rub off on him. I always explain that I just want the best of the 1940's (and a bit 50's) with all the fabulous parts of now. He humors me and we carry on. But I will make a convert of him yet. I find the best way is not not force it on them. I am very artsy, I paint, and draw, and dance, and act, so the way he sees it is it's just me being me. He knows it's who I am and accepts it. Just like I accept that he is most comfortable in a pair of very worn jeans, a t-shirt that most likely can be worn with his flight suit, and either, his gym shoes, or these awful brown things he calls shoes (I hate them) but it makes him happy and honestly though I would prefer he dressed a bit more vintage I don't find his fashion offensive so I leave it alone. But he says he likes my vintage because when he was a kid he though the vintage woman were what women should look like, but be like modern ones. Well he found it. Also he realizes that my vintage thing is something that got me through some really hard points in my life, I clung to it so I never fully lost myself, he would never try to take it from me because he knows it is ingrained in me becasue it has helped me become me.


Practically Family
With my husband on our 5th wedding anniversary day. He doesn't do vintage clothing. Yet. I persuaded him to go foe a side parting. And I'm pressing hard for a pencil mustache.


Bombshell Becca

One of the Regulars
Ventura, CA
My husband is not one bit vintage. In fact he won't even watch any movie made before 1980 so he dosen't get my love for old movies, music, fashion ect.


Familiar Face
When I first met my boyfriend, he wasn't vintage. He still isn't now. But after the first year together he started warming up to it. Now he loves watching old movies with me and will occasionally wear vintage clothing.

Here's a picture of us dancing at the Luau Party we went to tonight. He's not dressed vintage, but he still looks cute. :)


Grant Fan

Practically Family
GlamourDoll said:
When I first met my boyfriend, he wasn't vintage. He still isn't now. But after the first year together he started warming up to it. Now he loves watching old movies with me and will occasionally wear vintage clothing.

Here's a picture of us dancing at the Luau Party we went to tonight. He's not dressed vintage, but he still looks cute. :)

oh you two are so cute together. It makes me happy. You guys are what I think is so great about being vintage, in a realationship with a person who isn't. It's like the best of both worlds. it's fabulous.


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
GlamourDoll said:
Here's a picture of us dancing at the Luau Party we went to tonight. He's not dressed vintage, but he still looks cute. :)

Ooo, he is cute! He's got one of those faces you just want to pinch.

Do you have any photos of him in vintage? I'd love to see the contrast!


Familiar Face
I only have one picture of us both wearing vintage. We were at starbucks having coffee. I find the picture funny actually cuz he didn't really do his hair. I'm trying to talk him into cutting it shorter so he looks better when he dresses up with me.


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