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I just recieved a great comment about my hat...


One Too Many
Western Massachusetts
I notice that when I wear decent clothes and a hat (Fedora) I seem to get waited on quicker, better seats in a restaurant, and smiles from people all
around; it's almost a subconscious display of respect given to the wearer-
the hat empowers them over the bare-headed,and definitely over the baseball
cap wearing public, of all ages. There really does feel as though I'm being given
a silent affirmation of acceptance, perhaps the lingering images of "the good old days" when values were held higher than today. I dunno. Just know it's different wearing a hat and a smile, makes me live up to the image of the good Joe...


New in Town
ideaguy said:
I notice that when I wear decent clothes and a hat (Fedora) I seem to get waited on quicker, better seats in a restaurant, and smiles from people all
around; it's almost a subconscious display of respect given to the wearer-
the hat empowers them over the bare-headed,and definitely over the baseball
cap wearing public, of all ages. There really does feel as though I'm being given
a silent affirmation of acceptance, perhaps the lingering images of "the good old days" when values were held higher than today. I dunno. Just know it's different wearing a hat and a smile, makes me live up to the image of the good Joe...
I have noticed the exact same thing. People seem to treat you with more respect when you're dressed well.

The Duke

One of the Regulars
I think I've received more great comments when I wear my bowler hat then my fedora's. One older fellow today asked me about my bowler hat and said he's looking for one, and he like how I wore my bowler at an angle.


One of the Regulars
from my sister-in-law?

As i'm the only one in my family who collects vintage articles, my two brothers think i'm the strange one in the family.

But this morning, my wife told me that my sister-n-law told her that she really likes my taste in vintage stuff when she saw my Knox Fifteen on the table.

Coming from a sister-in-law, who has expensive taste, and one who i thought would never compliment me on anything, that really made my day.

And the best part, i wasn't even wearing it:)

The Duke

One of the Regulars
I was wearing my brown bailey executive hat with a feather today with my grey db overcoat coming from work, stopped at the mall at the shoe dept. and one young lady said "nice hat, very classic look!"


Practically Family
Pensacola, FL
While my Adventurebilt elicits the standard "Indiana Jones" comments, I am regularly met by people who compliment me on simply because it is "so handsome." I'm not complaining. :D


Practically Family
I was out in Arlington, Va at a popular Italian deli today. I was wearing an old beater fedora and my Aero Cossack jacket. A guy came up to the table I was sitting at and stared at me for about 10 seconds. All the sudden he says "I LOVE YOUR LOOK!! TOTALLY LOVE IT!! The jacket... the hat... that is a great 1930s look. Geeze, I've got pictures of my dad dressed just like that..." he went on and on for another 30 seconds. I got a kick out of it. My fedora isn't a 1930s lid by any means, but I said thank you a bunch of times.


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