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Loungers' Pets


Call Me a Cab
The Swamp
That's not a tie, it's a mustache. :D

Speaking from years of personal experience, I would say cats have their own unique character and personalities regardless of their breed or the color of their fur.
They do. But I've noticed patterns.

Red tabbies = quirky.
Black (esp. longhairs) = adaptable and easygoing.
Siberian (the cat breed) = prickly or sickly.
White and black (like a panda, not like a tuxedo cat) = liable to nip.

YMMV, and this list is from a very limited sampling. But I've known 2 or 3 of each type, and while they've also had individual personalities, they tend to fall into these categories.

My 2 furry thugs -- Chekov (who falls into two of these classes):


And his adopted brother Wolf, who falls into one:
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Southern California
This is Shadow, our seven-year-old Russian Blue (we think) when she commandeered a temporary pile of jackets as we were cleaning out a closet a few years ago. It's not a great photo, but she doesn't like to pose so we have to catch her when we can and take whatever we get:


And this is Butch, our four-year-old not-so-Miniature Schnauzer posing with the Queen of the Castle a few weeks ago:


He's not fond of posing either, mostly because his attention span can be measured in nanoseconds.


A-List Customer
460 Laverne Terrace
I'm presently in the market for a black Main coon. I am in the Middle East right now and will be back in the States in June. I'd like to pick her/him up at that time.


I’ll Lock Up.
[URL=http://s1140.photobucket.com/user/LoveMyHats2/media/IMAG3256_zpst9uemd5g.jpg.html] [/URL]

Do not mind my 85 year old Mother's pajama bunns in this picture. This little guy is Chip, he is a Chinese Crested pup. We lost our beloved Brodie recently and after having to put him down it ripped a hole in our hearts so I got this little guy here to take up his place in our souls. He has to wear pajamas to keep him warm, his ears are just taped to hold them up for now, but his ears have not been snipped! He is a spring, can just spring up and around super fast and is as cute as ever. We have two other dogs, Ripley a short dox with long curly hair, he is 8 years old now, and Cloe a tiny toy sized yorky that is 17 years old.

Daniel had a Heeler that was such a wonderful dog and passed away four years ago. Yep we love pets, have two cats as well but all our dogs and cats are limited in the house, in a few rooms and then down stairs only as we have to keep the dog and cat traffic to a minimal. I let the new little guy come up and spend time anywhere in the house but the rest have to be limited to where they can go. We spent too much money on new floors and furniture and wish to keep them all nice.

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