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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
I see that this is my 2^10 post. A retired computer nerd's milepost, for sure.

At the two entrances to my subdivision are prominently posted "No Soliciting" signs.
Nonetheless, from time to time a young person rings my doorbell and knocks on the door. I point out to each that "No Soliciting" signs are posted at each entrance.

Invariably, they reply, "Oh no, I'm not soliciting, I'm just ..."
That definition of soliciting here in the UK is better known as cold canvassing, Soliciting is much more interesting as the dictionary definition shows:
Solicitinging British English
(səˈlɪsɪtɪŋ IPA Pronunciation Guide )
the act of approaching a person with an offer of sexual relations in return for money
Women could get very heavy sentences for soliciting - nine months or more.


One Too Many
Hurricane Coast Florida
That definition of soliciting here in the UK is better known as cold canvassing, Soliciting is much more interesting as the dictionary definition shows:
Solicitinging British English
(səˈlɪsɪtɪŋ IPA Pronunciation Guide )
the act of approaching a person with an offer of sexual relations in return for money
Women could get very heavy sentences for soliciting - nine months or more.
View attachment 607033
In the US, that image shows the activity with the fully-qualified name, "soliciting for the purposes of prostitution", often shortened to "soliciting" when the context makes the latter part of the phrase unnecessary.


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
Recently in a public local authority car-park instead of the cash machine there was a notice telling me that I must pay by using a parking payment App. That assumed that I have a smartphone of the correct sort, I have mobile broadband available, (and a signal,) and I'm willing to sign-up and setup some form of payment just to pay a £1 parking fee.

I wondered about the legality of that but to avoid the whole mess I parked somewhere else. Later, I called the council to ask them why they chose the heavy-handed: "You must pay" approach, given that a lot of people can't, or won't, be able to do that. Their response was interesting.

They claimed a spate of theft & vandalism had left them with no money to replace broken payment machines, they also claimed they are legally entitled to demand payment made in this way and they rebuffed my suggestion that it was basically a form of discrimination.

Such is life!
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One Too Many
St John's Wood, London UK
Recently in a public local authority car-park instead of the cash machine there was a notice telling me that I must pay by using a parking payment App. That assumed that I have a smartphone of the correct sort, I have mobile broadband available, (and a signal,) and I'm willing to sign-up and setup some form of payment just to pay a £1 parking fee.

I wondered about the legality of that but to avoid the whole mess I parked somewhere else. Later, I called the council to ask them why they chose the heavy-handed: "You must pay" approach, given that a lot of people can't, or won't, be able to do that. Their response was interesting.

They claimed a spate of theft & vandalism had left them with no money to replace broken payment machines, they also claimed they are legally entitled to demand payment made in this way and they rebuffed my suggestion that it was basically a form of discrimination.

Such is life!
I left Cambridge without sitting solicitors but this is neither legal nor sensible in the least.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I'd actually love to get an actual live call from a telemarketer again instead of the steady parade of robots the hospital collection agency sends down my neck. It's one of two voices, but every day they give a different whitebread-sounding name. This week I've hung up on Richard, Eric, Pete, Jane, and Holly, none of whom exist. And now the security company that monitors the theatre has switched to a robot, so I don't even get the satisfaction of growling when they wake me up at quarter of two in the morning because some kid rattled the front door.
In old Germany, we have fibreglass build-out, over the next years, which should bring better "highspeed internet" to the people. I question, how much people really need this.
Maybe, it's more another "job-creation measure" by lobby, who knows.

I'm an old fart with fine DSL 16.000 standard contract (17.692 real coming in !!). ;)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
My cable company has just phased out the little digital adapter boxes it issued when analog cable went away allowing owners of "legacy TVs" to continue using them, in favor of big, obnoxious set-top gadgets with all sorts of obnoxious internet garbage incorporated. I have no plans to own a digital television set, or any other viewing technology that views me back, so I guess that's the end of TV for me. Oh well.
little digital adapter boxes it issued when analog cable went away.

We even never had DVB S/C-to-Analog-adapters for CRT TVs here. At least none, that I know of. And if there would be some, they would surely be shortliving crap, because manufacturers know, nearly no one would buy them.
DVB-T adapters were always available, but who uses DVB-T, the biggest flop ever? :p

But TV is dying anyways, here...
My mother's basement
I'd actually love to get an actual live call from a telemarketer again instead of the steady parade of robots the hospital collection agency sends down my neck. It's one of two voices, but every day they give a different whitebread-sounding name. This week I've hung up on Richard, Eric, Pete, Jane, and Holly, none of whom exist. And now the security company that monitors the theatre has switched to a robot, so I don't even get the satisfaction of growling when they wake me up at quarter of two in the morning because some kid rattled the front door.
I’m left supposing you have neither voicemail nor caller ID.

I get so many phone solicitations that I rarely answer calls if I don’t recognize the caller’s name and/or number. My voicemail “greeting” tells the caller exactly that, along with my assurance that if they have business with me and leave a message I will return their call in a timely manner.

It makes it all less convenient for me and the legit callers. And I resent being put in this position.
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My mother's basement
As to changing definitions …

“Hook up” used to have a somewhat more expansive definition. It meant a meeting of pretty much any sort — social, business, whatever.

Now I see and hear it used exclusively in reference to sexual encounters. So I no longer ask friends if they wish to hook up over the weekend.


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
Colour TV was invented in 1940 and nuclear bombs were first used in 1945. The first colour t.v broadcast was not until 1967.

We played golf on the Moon in July 1969. But we we had to wait until January 1983, before we were on the Internet.

Meantime, in April 1973, a fellow name of Martin Cooper made a phone call with a brick, well actually it was a phone that was completely mobile and became known as a cell phone.
cell phone.jpg
Then in 1996, the cell phone and the internet joined forces. Fifteen years later, cell phones were zapping payment for all and sundry.

The one from the North

One of the Regulars
Standing in line for dawn coffee behind a cell phone wielding customer who zaps the cash register gizmo and I next fork swipe card like a knuckle dragger Neanderthal. :confused:
I know the feeling, Fox! Still remember the first time, not so long ago, when saw someone making transaction by showing wristwatch to that gizmo on the counter. It literally dropped my jaw and I just stared feeling absolutely prehistorical! :)

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