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Are You a "Serious" Collector? The Categorization of Fedora Loungers.

Flat Foot Floey

My Mail is Forwarded Here
I think it goes back to the phrasing of the original post - the need to categorize. Made it sound more serious than intended, probably.
I agree on the intetions of the opening post/ title

But I was also reffering to 2 threads that have been deleted. Maybe taking oneself less serious would help.


I'll Lock Up
Isle of Langerhan, NY
Different people feel differently about any given subject. There are plenty of times I think others are being too serious, or not serious enough, about something I feel the opposite way about. Regardless of what I think, I keep to myself my opinion of whether their feelings are 'appropriate', and allow others the dignity of their feelings.
Different people feel differently about any given subject. There are plenty of times I think others are being too serious, or not serious enough, about something I feel the opposite way about. Regardless of what I think, I keep to myself my opinion of whether their feelings are 'appropriate', and allow others the dignity of their feelings.

Portage, Wis.
I'm in a bit of a similar boat. My cars are old and outdated, my televisions are all CRT consoles. I do have a dish, simply for the fact that there's no local channels to get. My computer, I bought used for 100 bucks from a neighbor, I've never bought a brand new one. I have no land line, and my cell phone is a very old system. I won't get a new one until I get a free one again.

When I was living by myself, my motto was 'the simpler, the better.' No land line because I barely need one phone, never mind two. I am fine with what is now considered to be an ancient picture-tubed 'box' TV. I don't need cable but I had basic service because network television is, for the most part, so bad. I had a simple, small car. The computer keeps me in touch with places like this, but it's an old one, two op-systems out of date, but it gets the job done. Basically, I don't need the latest and greatest anything.

I still try to keep things as simple as possible, but its tough with other people in the house who 'need' iphones, flat-screen TVs, macs (twice the price of comparable PCs), xboxes, and the like. There is talk here now of getting a kindle. Not my thing.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Yep, that's my view. A simple rotary dial phone has worked fine for me my entire life -- never once in nearly five decades have I picked up the receiver and not gotten a dial tone -- and I can't think of any good reason why I should go to the trouble and expense of something else. I don't *need* a color TV. I can watch the ball game and movies on TCM in black and white just as easily. I don't need a fancy new computer -- the extremely used ones I've gotten secondhand do what I need to do, and the things they won't do I don't need to do.

As soon as you start convincing yourself you absolutely "need" some new thing, that's where the slippery slope begins. That's where the modern consumer culture sinks its claws into you and leads you around by the nose. Who's more of a dupe, someone who spends hundreds of dollars a pop on vintage suits because he likes them, or the poor soul who's constantly "upgrading" his belongings because he feels like he just "has to?"


London, UK
Yep, that's my view. A simple rotary dial phone has worked fine for me my entire life -- never once in nearly five decades have I picked up the receiver and not gotten a dial tone -- and I can't think of any good reason why I should go to the trouble and expense of something else. I don't *need* a color TV. I can watch the ball game and movies on TCM in black and white just as easily. I don't need a fancy new computer -- the extremely used ones I've gotten secondhand do what I need to do, and the things they won't do I don't need to do.

As soon as you start convincing yourself you absolutely "need" some new thing, that's where the slippery slope begins. That's where the modern consumer culture sinks its claws into you and leads you around by the nose. Who's more of a dupe, someone who spends hundreds of dollars a pop on vintage suits because he likes them, or the poor soul who's constantly "upgrading" his belongings because he feels like he just "has to?"

That's how people become Apple fanbois. ;)

I'd like an old-school, rotary landline phone once my redecoration is complete, but I don't know if it's worth the expense as I only use the landline for the phone maybe once a week, or once a fortnight. If I was going to sit down with a landline, though, that's how I'd go - that with one of those digital gubbinses between it and socket so I can still use the menus on call centres, as those alas are a fact of life.


One Too Many
Yep, that's my view. A simple rotary dial phone has worked fine for me my entire life -- never once in nearly five decades have I picked up the receiver and not gotten a dial tone -- and I can't think of any good reason why I should go to the trouble and expense of something else. I don't *need* a color TV. I can watch the ball game and movies on TCM in black and white just as easily. I don't need a fancy new computer -- the extremely used ones I've gotten secondhand do what I need to do, and the things they won't do I don't need to do.

As soon as you start convincing yourself you absolutely "need" some new thing, that's where the slippery slope begins. That's where the modern consumer culture sinks its claws into you and leads you around by the nose. Who's more of a dupe, someone who spends hundreds of dollars a pop on vintage suits because he likes them, or the poor soul who's constantly "upgrading" his belongings because he feels like he just "has to?"

I got rid of my fixed phone and that was the stupidest thing I ever did. My flat seems to be in the Valley of Radio Signal Death, because all my calls are broken off. Am going to go back to that and a good old solid bakelite phone asap.

One upside with good old PSTN is that the copper network works during power outages - but not if you have a wireless phone that needs electricity for its base station. So if you have a fixed line with an old phone AND a mobile phone, you're pretty much covered for all eventualities. Call me paranoid, but I think that's a point definitely to be considered. Because a phone is something you might need to call an ambulance or the police or whatever. I know I've been in that situation, anyway.

I was without a tv for about two years and I could definitely go without it again (but I would miss my historical documentaries). I couldn't do without my computer without experiencing a major, major loss of quality of life. I use it for social contacts, for shopping, for my day job, for research, for ordering books from research libraries, for my writing... My mobile I use for all of the above plus for reading books - I love that you can get all the out-of-copyright classics for free from Project Gutenberg. I honestly love that I can meet and interact with people of all sorts from all over on the internet. I do think the internet is a wonderful thing - just look at how much harder it is to keep information from people for an oppressive government and how much less important geography becomes. Electronic communication is actually making it possible for rural areas here to flourish in a way they couldn't have done otherwise. People don't have to emigrate to big cities in the same way to get jobs.

So I "need" my computer. I need it to earn my daily bread and without it, I'd also live a much poorer life socially and culturally. Apart from that, my goal is to slowly move towards a vintage/old fashioned lifestyle because I like living in the slow lane - and I think we need to do something different if we are to keep from ecological suicide. Morally and spiritually, I think we (as in the Western world) already have our collective finger on the trigger...


One Too Many
That's how people become Apple fanbois. ;)

Or fangirls? Let us not forget the Apple fangirls. I'll happily admit I want Apple because their products are pretty. Same reason I just bought an art deco silver butter dish.

One is simply an aesthete, darling! (said in my best Brian Howard voice) :D


London, UK
Or fangirls? Let us not forget the Apple fangirls. I'll happily admit I want Apple because their products are pretty. Same reason I just bought an art deco silver butter dish.

One is simply an aesthete, darling! (said in my best Brian Howard voice) :D

Eh, well... I was using 'fanboi' as a catch all, but them too. It does, though, seem to be mostly men in my experience who are prepared to queue in the rain, at midnight, just to buy any old crap with an Apple logo stuck on it on day of release.... ;)

Thems fightin' words Edward!

-Sent via iPad

lol But for a lack of a black poloneck, I was seriously going to go to last world Zombie Day as Steve Jobs, and shamble around in any Apple Store we passed. I have no shame whatever.
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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I wonder what the Applegangers would think of my ten-year-old PowerBook, with its replaced hinges, its case held together by duct tape, and most of its paint missing? (I had no idea that "titanium" was just a futuristic word for "pot metal.")


One Too Many
Eh, well... I was using 'fanboi' as a catch all, but them too. It does, though, seem to be mostly men in my experience who are prepared to queue in the rain, at midnight, just to buy any old crap with an Apple logo stuck on it on day of release.... ;)

I agree. Though my friend (female) told me that when she'd gotten a new MacBook, her pulse actually sped up whenever she thought of it. Her husband, on the other hand, told her when he'd gotten his first iPhone: "I love you too, of course. Just not in the same way." :lol:

I'm not like that. I don't even have an iPad. I'm just prepared to shell out double the price for an Apple product because they are pretty, but also very good - I've never had any problems with any of my Apple-devices (but I never had much luck with other brands). And a small but significant non-transitory increase in pricing wouldn't make me switch to a PC or Android phone. :D

I actually know of a guy who has the Apple logo tattooed on his leg. That is very strange. Then again, I once met a girl who had her favorite musicians autograph tattooed on her neck. People are strange.


London, UK
Is that Bill Gates using Edward's ID??? lol

Ten years ago I'd have told you Bill Gates was the devil.... then MS got their act together, stopped integrating their rubbish browser, created a very usable, stable OS (XP, and I'm very happy with Windows 7..... let's forget Vista, eh?), stopped integrating their rubbish media player.... There are so many alternative to Office nowadays that work great with Windows and allow for files to be transferred and opened with Office products. Apple, on the other hand, got trendy, got silly in their product prices, and started peddling a smug lifestyle. I also object to their closed-loop nature which tries to push you into the all-Apple way. In general they also place far too much emphasis on the box for my liking, over the content.

I agree. Though my friend (female) told me that when she'd gotten a new MacBook, her pulse actually sped up whenever she thought of it. Her husband, on the other hand, told her when he'd gotten his first iPhone: "I love you too, of course. Just not in the same way." :lol:

I'm not like that. I don't even have an iPad. I'm just prepared to shell out double the price for an Apple product because they are pretty, but also very good - I've never had any problems with any of my Apple-devices (but I never had much luck with other brands). And a small but significant non-transitory increase in pricing wouldn't make me switch to a PC or Android phone. :D

Maybe different where you are... here I can buy a pc laptop that will do everything I'll ever need of it for a lot less than half the cheapest Apple box. Apple just don't stack up for me... of course, them gonig painfully trendy is also another detraction for me.

I actually know of a guy who has the Apple logo tattooed on his leg. That is very strange. Then again, I once met a girl who had her favorite musicians autograph tattooed on her neck. People are strange.

What folks choose to have tattooed on their bodies fascinates me. At least, when it's something that means something to them personally as opposed to "oh, pretty" (not that there's anything wrong with the latter - their skin!). Mey a girl last year who had some amazing ink, much of it with a real connection to who she was, her personality, and where she'd been in her life. Sigh.
Orange County, CA
Eh, well... I was using 'fanboi' as a catch all, but them too. It does, though, seem to be mostly men in my experience who are prepared to queue in the rain, at midnight, just to buy any old crap with an Apple logo stuck on it on day of release.... ;)

I find it funny that the people who tell me that they're not spending very much money because of the economy are often the same people who will stand in that long line to fork out $500-600* for the latest version of the Smart Phone or iPad.

*or however much it costs, the fact I haven't been out pricing them shows how much I need or want one
Pasadena, CA
I find it funnier folks here knocking Apple fan<peeps> when most here obsess over lots of things that others would laugh at!
This entire forum is based on it. Jackets, hair, hats, makeup, movies, etc etc.
Pasadena, CA
I find it funny that the people who tell me that they're not spending very much money because of the economy are often the same people who will stand in that long line to fork out $500-600* for the latest version of the Smart Phone or iPad.*or however much it costs, the fact I haven't been out pricing them shows how much I need or want one
People spend that much on hats here. Jackets - I could get two iPads for the cost.Watches? Forget it. A $50 G-Shock tells time more accurately than one of my $3k watches!It's all priority and what brings one joy!

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