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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.

Northern California
The oh so soft but nonstop sound of someone's music playing somewhere. The thumping plays quietly as background music to my world right now. Just loud enough and monotonous enough to be by now really annoying. Inconsiderate people, they're the worst.


I'll Lock Up
Gopher Prairie, MI
I'm going to do my best to stay away from the above posts and topics as they seem pretty political and I promise myself everyday to not go there on this site out of respect for the site's rules (and my sanity). So I am trying to respond just to the very specific consideration you raised to me about a domestic abuser.

I do not believe the premise underlying your analogy is apt. The domestic abuser - I believe you are implying (if I'm wrong, please tell me and I will openly acknowledge my mistake) should have known by cultural and societal norms and convention what he was do was morally wrong and legally wrong. Hence, no longer beating his wife is hardly a moment for pride. I agree with that.

Many of this country's past sins began at a time when they - slavery for one - were an accepted norm and practice by many (not all) cultures in many (not all) countries. Hence, I don't see our country changing its norms and laws for the much better over the long sweep of history - where norms, standards, practices have changed - as the same as a criminal today renouncing his immediate criminal past behavior. I see it as a country doing a lot wrong, but eventually also getting a lot right over a long period of time. That's what I'm proud of. But again, out of respect to the forum rules and other members, I'm trying real hard to only answer your query to me - I don't want to open this up any wider than it is or respond to any of the subsequent posts.

I am quite certain that the more extreme incidents of racism and misogyny are sufficiently rare in your world as to be exceptional, and therefore not terribly important in the big picture. In some parts of the country this is not so, most notably in my very homogeneous part of the country. In fact over the past two years I have heard the "N-word" and the "C-word" from from lips which I would never imagined. Something terrible has been loosed in Middle America, I fear.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
In Maine, statistically the whitest state in the union, the Ku Kluxers are distributing literature all over the place. They drive thru neighborhoods at night and throw little plastic bags weighted with gravel, and containing a flyer showing a hooded Klansman pointing at you over a caption that says "You Can Sleep Tonight Knowing The Klan Is Awake."

Happy 2017. "We've come so far."
New York City
The oh so soft but nonstop sound of someone's music playing somewhere. The thumping plays quietly as background music to my world right now. Just loud enough and monotonous enough to be by now really annoying. Inconsiderate people, they're the worst.

The gym I use has wi-fi throughout plus TV screens on each piece of equipment and about ten or so large-screen TVs spread though out that, my guess (I've only been a member for about a year), are legacy screens from before they had wi-fi and all these individual screens.

There are several people who turn the large TV screens volume up and then get on a piece of equipment that has a separate TV on it, but instead of using that, they blast the big TV's volume. I can't image how anyone would think this is appropriate. 90%+ of the people use headphones and the TV on their equipment - but it's the few that ruin it for everyone as we all have to listen to the big TV blast away.

Another thing is the person who takes a telephone call while on a piece of equipment and proceeds to have a long and loud conversation for - I kid you not - sometimes a half hour or longer. How does anyone think this is appropriate? I understand a quick call or a quiet call - but I'm talking loud and long. Sometimes, I think it is the accumulation of all these "small" annoyances that simply wear you out as a person.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
On the topic of racism, I saw the racist "w" and "d" term's used on comments on an article about Italian immigrants.

The last time I heard the "w" word was when I was in high school. A girl was yelling at a teacher (which was wrong) and he called her a "dirty w." She looked shocked for a moment and then spit in his face and stormed out to the office. She got detention (deserved for what proceeded the comment) but the teacher was unpunished, despite the fact I (and othets) got called in as a witness. If they had pushed for more than a detention, I would have made a stink. To this day I regret not making a stink anyway.
Southern California
In Maine, statistically the whitest state in the union, the Ku Kluxers are distributing literature all over the place. They drive thru neighborhoods at night and throw little plastic bags weighted with gravel, and containing a flyer showing a hooded Klansman pointing at you over a caption that says "You Can Sleep Tonight Knowing The Klan Is Awake."

Happy 2017. "We've come so far."
In June of 2015 people in the neighborhoods just east of ours called the local police to report finding similar paraphernalia on their front lawns one Sunday morning. They had been distributed on six streets, but the police said no crime was committed because the fliers, although "KKK affiliated", contained no specific threats. It also appeared to be completely random since several of the properties where the fliers were discovered were owned or occupied by families of Hispanic descent. :rolleyes:
My mother's basement
Pulling off the road into a shopping complex, I loathe people who slam on their brakes when the other two crosslanes have a STOP sign but inbound traffic does not.

At a supermarket I frequent patrons drive into the parking lot from a busy arterial and then come to a complete stop while they scan the lot for open parking spaces, which may be to the right or the left or straight ahead.

Problem is that they block the progress of the cars behind them, often resulting in traffic backing up in the right lane on that aforementioned arterial. This not only inconveniences the other drivers, it also creates a traffic hazard.
Northern California
Another thing is the person who takes a telephone call while on a piece of equipment and proceeds to have a long and loud conversation for - I kid you not - sometimes a half hour or longer. How does anyone think this is appropriate? I understand a quick call or a quiet call - but I'm talking loud and long. Sometimes, I think it is the accumulation of all these "small" annoyances that simply wear you out as a person.
Along this line are the annoying who have the loud phone conversations in restaurants whether they be in line waiting to order, pay, or pick-up, or be seated. They so desperately need for us to know their business and realize how wonderful and important they are. Much more so than their captive audience who should realize how lucky they were to have witnessed such greatness.


Call Me a Cab
The Great Pacific Northwest
Along this line are the annoying who have the loud phone conversations in restaurants whether they be in line waiting to order, pay, or pick-up, or be seated. They so desperately need for us to know their business and realize how wonderful and important they are. Much more so than their captive audience who should realize how lucky they were to have witnessed such greatness.

It got so bad on commuter trains out of the city here (Chicago) that all rush hour trains now have a "quiet car" where cell phone conversations, and even normal conversational volume tête-à-têtes between passengers, are verboten.
Along this line are the annoying who have the loud phone conversations in restaurants whether they be in line waiting to order, pay, or pick-up, or be seated. They so desperately need for us to know their business and realize how wonderful and important they are. Much more so than their captive audience who should realize how lucky they were to have witnessed such greatness.

In Germany, that's the main reason today, why peaceful people more and more avoid to visit gastronomy or other places, because we hate this mobilphoning "freakshow". ;)
Luckily, it's seemingly no problem in our supermarkets, here. It's generally peaceful there. Much more peaceful than on other places! :)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
The cellphone plague is at its worst in American supermarkets. People will think nothing of blocking entire aisles by parking their carriages crosswise and then standing in front of or behind them, yapping into their squawkboxes about inconsequential nonsense that could easily wait until they were someplace other than blocking my access to the cat food display. I have on many occasions turned around, walked all the way around the next aisle and then up the desired aisle from the other direction to get at what I need, only to find that they've shifted their position so they're now blocking it from a different angle. "They'll Do It Every Time."
New York City
It got so bad on commuter trains out of the city here (Chicago) that all rush hour trains now have a "quiet car" where cell phone conversations, and even normal conversational volume tête-à-têtes between passengers, are verboten.

Heaven is the Acela's quiet car to Boston.

No airport, no screening, no seats smaller than my small frame and no people who don't care how loud they are.
Northern California
The cellphone plague is at its worst in American supermarkets. People will think nothing of blocking entire aisles by parking their carriages crosswise and then standing in front of or behind them, yapping into their squawkboxes about inconsequential nonsense that could easily wait until they were someplace other than blocking my access to the cat food display. I have on many occasions turned around, walked all the way around the next aisle and then up the desired aisle from the other direction to get at what I need, only to find that they've shifted their position so they're now blocking it from a different angle. "They'll Do It Every Time."
Selfish people block aisles whether they have a phone in hand or not. I enjoy making them move; often times by space invading or hovering. Occasionally, I ask politely.

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