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New Ladies and Gents Step Forward


A-List Customer

My name is Nikki. I'm 18. I'm from London but I currently live in colchester.
I'm doing an a-level in art at the mo, I love music, art (from paintings to tattoos) and reading. I also love wildlife and David Attenborough is one of my heroes.

I've been interested in the 1920s-1950s for a little while now and I have been looking around this forum for a few months before joining.

Well.. that's me. :)

Lolly B

New in Town
Walnut Creek, CA
Hi everyone!

I found FL by the weirdest search: I was googling for information on Kent suit brushes (which I found and was seriously impressed with the gents and their attention to style and detail) so I had to check out the girl's room. I am so glad I did! I am surprised I never found all of you before since I have been stalking AAAC (which is mentioned by the gents) and have researching 30's - 70's style and hairdo's off and on for about 4 years. (I got pretty good with pin curls when my hair was shorter.) lol

My current style period of addiction is the 70's (does the 40's I found out reading comments here!). And aside from being into period dressing, I am so over sweatshop clothing so I am relearning how to make my own.

Well enough about me for now. I need to take a cool picture just for this forum (one day).

The Dame

One of the Regulars
Little Rock, AR
My husband discovered FL some time ago and has been posting and telling me about the various forums, etc., but it wasn't until yesterday that I actually had time on my hands, so I took a look around. Loved it from the get-go and decided to become a member right away. My tastes run from 19th century Victorian through the 40s and 50s and early 60s. Before we were married, my husband taught me how to drink and appreciate a very dry, very dirty gin martini and then introduced me to Nick and Nora of the Thin Man movies. I fell in love with movies from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s as a kid watching Turner Classic Movies beforeit was TCM, so it was a treat to find out my husband also liked something from the Golden Era. I'm looking forward to many years of reading and posting here in the FL and getting to know all of you, too.


New in Town
Hello all. This is quite a site, very nice indeed. I'm looking forward to visiting with you all.



Familiar Face
Hi all - I'm brand new here. I signed up several months ago, but then never got around to really learning my way around. I re-discovered the site yesterday (through either the vintage_life or vintagehair community on livejournal, can't remember which).

Right now I'm working on gradually transitioning my wardrobe over to all vintage/repro pieces. I recently learned to sew and have made a few dresses from both original 1940s/1950s patterns and reproductions. I'm also working on figuring out how I can dress vintage in a modern office. I'm not sure what I can get away with.

My avatar is my first-ever attempt at rolls, done over a year ago. I've gotten a lot better since then, and it certainly helps that I have an authentic middy-plus haircut now. I'll have to update it when I'm at home - for some reason I have that picture on my work computer but very little else.

Oh - and the basics: I'm 26, live in northern Virginia (but work in DC), married, no kids, one spoiled dog.

The Dame

One of the Regulars
Little Rock, AR
Oh, oops! :whistling *blush* Clearly, I have what the Germans would call a "Bildungsluecke" - a hole in my education! Thanks for the clarification on the avatar, tho' - I'd rather know than not. Still love the avatar.


New in Town
Winnipeg, Canada
Hi everyone.

I've been peeking into the Lounge for a couple of years now and finally decided to come on in. I'm a married father of two young daughters and earn my living as a paramedic up in Winnipeg Canada. My interest in movies and leather jackets is how I came across The Fedora Lounge, but have enjoyed learning about many other fascinating things since. There is a wealth of knowledge here and no shortage of opinions. I won't have much to contribute to the former, but may occasionally add to the latter.




Practically Family
What ho!

I've lurked these boards several times within the past few years, mainly as a result of being linked here from the Sheridan Club.

I am currently a Senior in high school, but I will be moving up to Indiana next year for college (which I have received a complete scholarship to, so I shall have lots of cash to splurge on new coats :D ).

I've been interested with style for a few years now, and I can safely say that I haven't worn short trousers or t-shirt in public for over year.

I own a Waterman 52V fountain pen, an Elgin pocketwatch manufactured in 1912 (still runs!), and loads of sportcoats. I also have an affinity for classic firearms. My meager collection consists of a Czechoslovakian Vz.24 Mauser Rifle (1938), and a Webley and Scott Mk. VI revolver (1916).

Do hope to become more acquainted with the community here.

Chin chin.

SGT Rocket

Practically Family
Twin Cities, Minn
New to the Lounge

Hi All,

I’ve recently found this forum from the great guys over at badgerandblade.com. I posted on badgerandblade that I was looking for advice on purchasing some fedoras and some straw hats (I’m getting over my second bout of skin cancer, on my head no less. At least it’s under my hair line). I’ve just begun posting in the past week after lurking for quite some time now.

I love anything vintage from hats to coats to sox to art to razors to watches. I’ve found this board very informative and entertaining. I’m really looking forward to reading many more posts and hopefully posting more myself.

Hmm, what else? I live in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) but I grew up in Houston, Tx and I’ve lived the last ten years in Portland Or. I just moved here about two years ago.


Miss L

New in Town
Good afternoon everyone
I´m new here, but like many others, I´ve been lurking around the FL for a couple of months. I first found this excellent site when I was looking for ladies 40´s haristyle, also like so many others:) . I´m very impressed with all the knowledge and passion for all things vintage you can find here.
My favourite decade is the 40´s, but every decade has it´s good things. I dress at least some vintage item almost every day. I collect vintage shoes and clothes, and I´m also into 40´s- 60´s american cars (mostly original but also the hot rod/custom culture) Would like to learn to dance (swing, lindy hop and such) From what I´ve been seeing in the forums you seem like very nice and helpful people and I´m looking forward to be a part of it all.

See you


Familiar Face
Washington DC, New York
Been reading for a while, rarely comment

Hey Everyone! I am an avid reader who follows a lot of the posts in the powder room, moving pictures and the golden era, though I have not really posted much in the last couples years that I've been a member... I have been collecting seriously for about five years now and have a small vintage business out of my basement. The real vintage is disappearing fast and mostly I just started the business so as to redistribute what I could find to my friends for reasonable prices and then it took over my basement... I'm still a college student, but still make an attempt at vintage even at school. I am a classic film watcher and swing dancer who spends the majority of their time doing one or the other. I love reading the boards though! Especially seeing other people's collections!

Miss L

New in Town
just wanted to introduce myself. I still have not visited every place in FL and now I saw this, said hello in the bar yesterday. I also came across FL when looking for ladies 40´s hairstyle. I actually like the whole 20th century stylewise, up until 1969 anyway, but my favourite decade I think is the 1940s and little 50´s. I collect vintage shoes and clothes, listen to music almost constantly, would like to know how to swing dance, and I would like a cool 40´s/50´s car to match it all:) I get a lot of inspiration looking at pics of all your hairdos, clothes and things on this site, so thank you!
See you

Solid Citizen

Practically Family
Long Time NO See

miss 1934:

WELCOME back! Long time between posts. Saw one of your older posts regarding Washington Art Deco Show, that should be coming up again soon for 2008, in their new merged shows concept!

Solid Citizen :)

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