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Whatever turns people on...

But it might be well to keep in mind that SOME percentage of the population will be turned off by them... maybe someone important, someday.

I've never heard a guy say he was turned off because a girl DIDN'T have any tattoos. I have certainly heard the opposite more than once.

I imagine that works pretty much the same way with the ladies regarding guys.

One guy I worked with had both arms tattooed from wrist to shoulder. He deeply regretted it, and was trying to bleach them out with sour milk. He was trying to break into a white-collar job, and was afraid to wear short sleeves, or to roll up his sleeves. He also said that certain colors would swell up and get puffy if he spent time in the sun.


Dr. Shocker

One of the Regulars
You know its funny I completly understand where you are comming form Old Hat.......there was a time the idea of a woman in pants had the same effect.....but with thier popularity today I see them as a more becoming a norm.....having met people who do look at people odd for not having any it offers both sides of the issue.....as well many people get tattoos without thinking about it alot nin out of ten time they seem to be the ones who regret it and most of the "kids" today getting tats and peircings will go through that phase as well.....but remember many very respectible people have tattoos and noone ever knows......my favorite story about this was a customer I served for 5+ years around year three we were discussing the weekend and he had told me he was at a tat convention I was wow I didn't know you ad any tats and then he lifted up his t-shirt he had 1/4 sleeves going to a bridge across his chest and across his back was a new peice in progress.....this was a professional buisness owner and even in a t-shirt I had no idea......now I stick with it as very much personal choice.....wether you do or don't is up to you but I hope to see the day when the stigma has lifted and people without them open thier minds a bit more towars people who do........but that is just me


Dr. Shocker said:
..now I stick with it as very much personal choice.....wether you do or don't is up to you but I hope to see the day when the stigma has lifted and people without them open thier minds a bit more towars people who do........but that is just me

No argument there. Freedom first.

There are a few levels of reaction here, that probably need to be addressed separately to make any sense of it.

There is the basic issue of freedom, which to my way of thinking, should be a non-issue. You get to do what you want with your bod, not what Mrs. Grundy thinks best. Or me.

There is an issue of social acceptance, and again, I have no problem with tattoos or piercings in this context, I'd rather people of all walks of life had the freedom, and I'd really rather that most decisions that people make in their teens didn't haunt them their entire lives. Realistically, I'm not at all sure the stigma is going away soon, but I won't be one of the ones fighting to preserve it.

Then there is a pretty gray area of what you would advise a friend or relative, someone you care about, to do if he or she asked. In that case, it's clear that while we might prefer the social stigma not exist, it pretty clearly still does... and, especially for young people, I usually counsel that they keep thier options open as much as possible. Permanent body mods don't tend to keep future options open- you can always get tattooed later, but, once done, you no longer have the practical option to be unmarked.

It's not just the obvious problems with having "STELLA", whom you've known for two weeks, tattooed on your backside. Consider some poor guy who got into Hindu mysticism and decided in, say, 1928, that a swastika tattoo would be a great experession of that. Things change. Tattoos don't.

Then, somewhere underneath all that, there is the issue of what I find (or someone else finds) personally attractive. Sorry, society does NOT get to dictate that on any level. Nobody has to care what we as individuals prefer, and we certainly don't get to impose our preferences... BUT nobody gets to tell us we're wrong for having our preferences, either.

So, with regard to your interesting example, while I fully support the (obvious, one would hope) right of the ladies to wear pants if they want... well, I refuse to feel guilty (or "politically incorrect") if the lady in the skirt tends to catch my eye instead. That is NOT imposing it on anyone.

Just for me, personally- heck, I won't even wear brand names or logos on my clothes. Think how uncomfortable I'd be with people reading my skin. ;)

Dr. Shocker

One of the Regulars
first I gotta ask what the pic was it wouldn't load and well hell I am curious......you make many valid points as i hope I did as well......since my concerns are in alot of regards social stigmas and biggotry on many levels not just this.....I a understand where you are comming from.....and see unlike many people I get into these types of conversations you as I know most of you on this board are all for your freedoms which to me is what it all boils down too.......cant wait till the next debat springs up for us to chat about.....my favorte hobby hoped I did not to offend anyone


New in Town
Almost everyone I know has tats. It's a matter of personal aesthetic for all of us, each with our own ink in individual style and such. None of us have done it because it's popular or because of some desire to keep up with whatever trend is out there. I can only speak for those I know and what they have said of course. I imagine plenty of people do it for the 'wrong' reasons and I think those are the ones who will regret it.

Personally, I love well done and artistic tattoo work. Old school tats rock, I love them. I myself am female and have just two, whereas my sister has about 13. They are all very unique and beautiful, and it's something she's loved since childhood so no one was surprised that she went out on her 18th bday and got her first tat. Mine I waited for- one I got at 30 and the second I got a few weeks ago. I put lots of thought into these things... lots and lots.

If I were to date someone in the future who had a disdain for tats- well chances are they wouldn't date me in the first place since one of mine shows all the time and the other is in a very private area that I can choose to hide if I wish to.

Luckily I do not do anything in my life with the anticipation that someone else may or may not like it. It must be done for oneself. And a lot of thought should go into it.

Thank goodness most tat studios will not ink someone who is drunk anymore. One, in makes you bleed more. Two, a drunk person ought not make that decision.


Head Bartender
Staff member
Small Town Ohio, USA
Going to the pool the other day and looking around got me thinking about a tattoo again. I still think the WWII nose art idea would work.

Anyone have a link to a good database of images?

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
scotrace said:
Going to the pool the other day and looking around got me thinking about a tattoo again. I still think the WWII nose art idea would work.

Anyone have a link to a good database of images?
Are you going to get nose art tatooed directly onto your back instead of on your A2 jacket!? :eek:


My Mail is Forwarded Here
City of the Angels
Like many, I've watched Miami Ink and appreciate the artistry that many of the more elaborate ones represent. Tatooing has gone way beyond the "old days" of tats of 'USMC' or 'Mother'.

It's sort of like American Chopper, I don't own a bike but like to see the innovation that goes into the final product.:)


I'll Lock Up
Copenhagen, Denmark.
I must admit, I am not into tattoos - the only really great one I have ever seen was actually rather small. Placed under a girls foot.
It was a stamp: MADE IN SWEDEN


Practically Family
Belgrade, Serbia
I have tattoos on both shoulders, inside my left arm, and my chest.

My wife has more on her back, legs and tops of her feet.

I love them, when they are thoughtful and done right.

All of mine have meaning, and none of them show in my professional mode.


One Too Many
portland, oregon
i have two so far, and am planning on more as soon as i get the money. both of them mean something to me, as is the case with everyone i know. the first i got when i was 25, and the second just this last winter when i was 27. on my upper arm i have Ramona Quimby, my favorite childhood book character, and on the back of my calf i have one of the dancing couples from all the cats join in. up next is a traditional-style back piece with some morrissey lyrics involved. a huge amount of thought has gone into the decision to get each of my tattoos and will in the future as well. i think people should get tattoos if they want to, and if they don't, don't. (not that anyone is meaning to do that here on this fine board,) IMHO, judging people based on appearances is tacky and pointless, and this includes judging them on their tattoos. if you don't like tattoos, don't get one!

i meet plenty of older people who have tattoos and love them still. i don't worry about whether i will love or hate my tattoos when i'm older. who knows if i'll live beyond tomorrow, anyway? they're a part of me and if i really don't like them or don't want people to see them... i can keep them covered (or go to an artist and have them covered with something new).

i dig this quote:
"tattoos are no more permanent than i am" - ani difranco


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Los Angeles, CA
If I got all the tattoos I've wanted over the years, I'd look ridiculous. As it is, my fear of commitment prevents me from getting them.

However...a koi half-sleeve...someday....(maybe!) lol


One of the Regulars
Northern California



One of the Regulars
Northern California
The worst thing about tattoos are the instant negitive reaction one encounters on occasion before you've even opened your mouth. Perhaps this is why many people regret getting tattooed. My father had tattoos down both arms that he got in the late 1940's and 1950's. They were like a map of his travels in life from Port Glasgow to Hong Kong, Singapore and Port Said. By the 1960's he had settled down with wife and kids a good job and a membership to a local country club. Thats when the long sleeve shirt regrets started, yet they didn't last. His advice to me, "If you must get tattoos get them where they will not be seen when wearing a t-shirt and shorts". Did I take his advice? No. Do I regret it? No. Funny thing is I always knew I would join the military and get tattoos because thats what my Dad did.


One Too Many
portland, oregon
Mike1939 said:
The worst thing about tattoos are the instant negitive reaction one encounters on occasion before you've even opened your mouth. Perhaps this is why many people regret getting tattoed. My father had tattoos down both arms that he got in the late 1940's and 1950's. They were like a map of his travels in life from Port Glasgow to Hong Kong, Singapore and Port Said. By the 1960's he had settled down with wife and kids a good job and a membership to a local country club. Thats when the long sleeved shirted regrets started. His advice to me, "If you must get tattoos get them were they will not be seen when wearing a t-shirt and shorts".

[huh] i just figure it's a good way to sort out the people i wouldn't want to be friends with anyway!

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