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Familiar Face
Central TX
a couple of points....

some disclosure: I have a nephew and 2 cousins deployed in Iraq currently.

1) Its not local patriots we are fighting in Iraq. Most of the fighters are imports from Iran, Saudi, and Syria. This is pretty easy to verify. Its been decided that its better to fight these guys there than here. Look at whom they target: the big car bombing yesterday that killed mostly Iraqi children. That was done on purpose, and if the attackers cared for the Iraqi's they could have attacked the soldiers in another situation.

2) Yes, support here is waning a bit; Americans have a short attention span. However, the polls are also poorly worded. If there was another option like "send in 2 more divisions and get it over with", it would rank pretty highly.

3) I wish Denmark luck. With the demographic equation of a declining birthrate of the natives, and immigration from north Africa, you will be having a very large problem with these guys in the short run; a 5 to 10 year period. Are you paying attention to the trial of the killer of Theo Van Gogh over in Holland? There's your future; a man murdered for saying women should not be mistreated.

Biltmore Bob

Spring, Texas... Y'all...
Denmark, Finland, Lapland, Holland...all the same to me. And guess what? We are the big kid in the sand box. When was the last time Holland or Denmark or Holland contributed anything to the world. Oh, thats right, they have Hash Bars and allow Euthanization. So what if we didn't find WMDs, we still need to be over there kicking butt. I too know several people in the armed services fighting to free the Iraqi people, from their veiwpoint the suport is more than 50/50, it's about 95%.


Hardlucksville, NY
It is obvious that the idea of terrorism is defined in a couple of different ways. Most people disapprove of any show of violence as a means of protest. They immediately discount anything a person or group has to say after committing an act or violenc. That is very understandable, as no one wants to be the victim of that violence! On the flip side, some people who do not support terrorism of any kind look at these actions and ask "why would anyone do this?" This leads people to start thinking and questioning the motives of everyone involved "good and bad" regarding our political actions.

We as people are very regional and care about what affects us most regionally. I notice a lot of our comments stem from this attitude. This is not a bad thing! I go to work and have a family and it is not a world altering event! I am concerned first with me life in my world. If I had a family member in Iraq I would certainly want him and his fellow servicemen home safe. I would naturally feel the necessity of doing whatever is possible to realize this. We should keep in mind the various nationalities and concerns each of us bring to this discussion when trying to convince others of our opinions.

As Americans we tend to have a "let's export Freedom" attitude. Is it good or bad? Depends who you ask...

My thoughts on this war on terrorism are that not everyone who claims to be supporting "Freedom" and the "Oppressed" are interested in that. Forget nationality, Democracy and Religion. The thing that stands out in my mind is the drive for money and power. History always proves this out. Leaders are generally a practical group of people. No one joins a war because it is the "right thing to do"! That is what you tell the people who have to go do the fighting! Leaders might declare or enter a war because of many reasons including, self preservation, economics, public or political expediency, etc. There is probably nothing wrong with this. I only object to being treated as an ignorant pawn in this game.

Winning a war on terror will take a firm hand and honest intentions. We Americans have plenty of the former and I hope as much of the latter.
BellyTank said:
But to believe all that 'they' tell you is to fool yourself and everyone else.

As long as your ego's in charge, you'll have no interest in what's really going on.

And Bob, yes, many Americans are totally ignorant of Europe and the rest of the world- I guess America IS the World for many- america against the World it seems.

Yes, yes. and there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, UFOs are real and the government is keeping their secrets from us. Not fogetting that big businesses have bought and repressed the engine that will run on water from the tap. Its all true there are conspiracies everywhere under every rock and leaf on the ground. Trust no one. The X Files was a documentary. :rolleyes:

Regards to all,


Biltmore Bob

Spring, Texas... Y'all...
Thanks Root, I've got a million of them.

And to my dear friend Belly Tank, I don't believe all that I read and hear, if I did I would believe like you. The Media in this country is very liberaly biased, and quite frankly anti Bush. Most of the retoric I see and hear coming from the print and TV news is markedly anti war and in some cases pro terrorist.

Another thing that puzzles me is this, some of the same people celebrate WWII and the heros who liberated Europe from the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler, oppose the overthrow of the leadership in the current war in Iraq. Maybe I'm stupid and naive, but I see many similarities. Hitler should have been taken out before he was responsible for the death of 3 million or so Jews.

And furthermore, I really don't know why the Muslims are mad at the US. We have helped save their ass more than a few times in recent History...let's see...there was Afganistan 1, Serbia, Kuait, Somalia, and Afganistan 2.

And yes BT, we are the world. We pour more money into the economys of other nations than the Gross National Product of ...lets see now...how bout Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and LAPLAND put together. When you do that, you betcha, we think we oughta have a say in things.


New in Town
Hmm, as someone whose city actually was attacked, I would have preferred they had continued to pursue Bin Laden before taking on any new projects.

Wild Root

Gone Home
Monrovia California.
Bin Laden yeah, what ever happened to that guy? I have been out of touch with the news so, I don't really know what's going on. Are they still looking for that Cockroach?


Biltmore Bob

Spring, Texas... Y'all...
Bin Laden...

Last I heard, we were close, maybe he was still alive, maybe he wasn't.

Right now though Afganistan has held it's first free election and heading down the road of liberty and free market society. Kadafi has crawled back into the hole where he lives and has promised not to let terrorists train and have safe harbor in Libya. N. Korea is fixin' to knuckle under. Iran and Syria know we mean business and are cooperating somewhat more than they have in the past. The climate of the middle east is changing because of the war.

We may find Bin Laden yet, or just his sorry rotting carcass But So what?

Jen...It's not a new project, it's one big project. We are doing good things.


I'll Lock Up
Bin Laden is just part of the Eternal Threat that keeps you scared and gives you faith in the Leader of the Eternal War. 'Keep you scared' maintains his ultimate, unquestioned power and keeps him rich. Read '1984'.

It IS all about money and Power- that's what you get when the biggest businessmen are the top politicians- believe it.
Annex the world for raw materials and cheap labour. Why not?
Their motives are quite obvious really, although they try and sell you all kinds of crap. Does Bin Laden exist? Only in our imaginations- as the media embodiment of evil. His family is are Bush family friends actually, evil lot aren't they...? aren't they?

We're suffering under the most corrupt bunch of 'Politicians' to date.
All of us are.

I don't actually think Lappland is a country.



Staff member

This is turning into the conspiracy thread.

Everything is really being run by this secret society that buys and sells countries, controls political leaders, and creates havoc for it's own pleasure.

I think this was already covered in an X-Files episode.

Next week it will be UFOs, bigfoot, and the space program was a hoax episode.

Sorry.....but this unfortunatly has gone from discussing a real and serious problem to a side show.


I'll Lock Up
It's not really a conspiracy and it's not really so secret is it?
Pretty transparent despite the lies, deceit and spin- if you care to look.
Denied, yes, frequently.

Everything I have mentioned is from multiple US newspapers from NY to TN to FL, TV documentaries from the US and Europe, personal experience of Americans and a general overview of the last few years global happenings.
I might add that most of the other 'industrialised' nations are maybe just as bad- just the scale and amount of sheer nerve differ- we're all being ripped-off big time. Deny it all you want, it doesn't change a thing. Republicans, Democrats- no real difference- all shades of the same perverted, profiteering sickness. Big business owns the Government! If you don't want to see it, I guess it's possible to ignore/deny it. But it is happening- all are being shafted.

I don't mean to insult anyone at all, I'm just surprised that in a country like the US which prides itself on freedoms, that very few people use theirs to effect any positive change.

Good evening-


Brad Bowers

I'll Lock Up
BellyTank said:
I don't mean to insult anyone at all, I'm just surprised that in a country like the US which prides itself on freedoms, that very few people use theirs to effect any positive change.

Most people are too busy trying to keep their families clothed, fed, and housed to worry about anything else.

(Theme Music from The X Files plays)

In this episode we will deal with how the government is selling citizens to Big Business and they are in turn selling them to aliens to experiment on.
It is all connected to Bin Laden's family and their connection to the Bush family. They are planning to take over the world and make Oceana fight against another unknown enemy that we can't see or hear. The casualties are required to report to abduction stations centrally located all over the globe. Moustachioed Big Brother Bush will appear on your Com screen and give you instructions because Americans are so stupid they would just listen to anything and not be able to tell the difference. French genes have been introduced to make the citizens docile and willing to surrender to any foe.
Our next episode will deal with how the conspiracies around us are so blatant that we just can't see them even though we can't get a miniscule intern to shut up for five minutes about an affair. Industrialized nations are planning to enslave their populations and use free labor to dig up Noah's Ark and fill it with the intelligencia and flood the world once again. Prisoners will contribute extra organs so the intelligencia can live for centuries.
(Ending Theme Music from X Files) :rolleyes:

Regards to all,


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